Implementing "saved searches" or what I was used to call "filters" is
on my wish list.
I like how jira implements them allowing private or shared/global filters.

I would like to share info and requirements about.


2009/10/26 Scott Gray <>:
> BTW I think the absolute best thing we could do to improve search usability
> is to implement saved searches without a doubt.
> Regards
> Scott
> On 26/10/2009, at 10:37 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>> I was just trying to point out that it's usefulness decreases
>> exponentially as the number of pages in the result set increases (i.e. the
>> likelihood that you will find what you are looking for on the first page).
>>  IMO it only really makes sense when the list is ordered by the newest
>> record first such as orders, tasks, emails, etc.
>> I personally don't really care either way, I just feel that the effort
>> required to make it configurable outweighs the benefits.  If the list should
>> show results then just show them and if it shouldn't then don't, why bother
>> with all the extra work of making it configurable just because the
>> developers disagree on which is the best approach.
>> BTW, SugarCRM is one of many popular CRM suites out there and I don't
>> think that just because they do something a certain way makes that approach
>> the best one :-)
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> HotWax Media
>> On 26/10/2009, at 9:34 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> I did not find enough time for that. This idea cames to me after a short
>>> test of SugarCRM last version.
>>> I think we could show results by default in SFA at least. There should
>>> not be too much results, and with the new length parameter Bruno is working
>>> on, this should improve user experience.
>>> This because it seems that some decision-makers began to look at OFBiz
>>> from the CRM/SFA perspective.
>>> We should take care of their expericen, most of the time they decide of
>>> our future...
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>>>> From: "Scott Gray" <>
>>>>> Could you provide an example search form where this might be useful?
>>>>> Perhaps talking about specific forms might be more helpful.
>>>> I will try tomorrow to explain why, I must admit I have not yet
>>>> considered the how
>>>> Jacques
>>>>> I have no problem with OFBiz being set one way or the other but making
>>>>>  it configurable seems like a lot for little return.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On 13/10/2009, at 10:37 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>> Not only people evaluating OFBiz, but also people dealing with small
>>>>>>  numbers. Maybe this should not be applied to all searches, though.
>>>>>> Remember, OFBiz was set this way not so long ago.
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> From: "Scott Gray" <>
>>>>>>> -1, that sounds like a lot of work and additional complexity and  for
>>>>>>>  what? So that people evaluating OFBiz don't have to click on a  search
>>>>>>>  button in order to do a search?  I'm sorry but it really  makes no  
>>>>>>> sense
>>>>>>> to me.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>> On 13/10/2009, at 9:51 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>> Also in the case of searching by default, the search fields  should
>>>>>>>>  be visible (it's no obvious as it's only a string in the screenlet  
>>>>>>>> title)
>>>>>>>> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> OOTB, we decided to not do searches by default when a page
>>>>>>>>> containing one is opened (I was for this decision)
>>>>>>>>> I wonder if we should not parametrize this in the DB and let it
>>>>>>>>> available in the "My Portal" Préférences ?
>>>>>>>>> Then we could set it to yes by default and avoid people  evaluating
>>>>>>>>>  OFBiz to clic on search button each time they open a such page.
>>>>>>>>> We could also have an URL going to the preferences in each  search
>>>>>>>>>  to allow a quick change if needed
>>>>>>>>> This is not related to lookup dialog boxes but only searches in
>>>>>>>>> plain pages.
>>>>>>>>> What do you think ?
>>>>>>>>> Jacques

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