
For the moment with my broken connection and my rescue solution I can't help 
much, but when it will be fixed I will have a look at
the situation at the moment


From: "Ruth Hoffman" <>
Hi Jacques:
That would be really nice, but I'm not even at that stage yet.

My problem is with the download web page. There has been a major regression 
here and no one has said a word (until me, right now)
about it. That leads me to say: "Who is minding the store?". This is the second 
or third thing anyone interested in OFBiz
sees...after the splash page.

It's a mess of "stuff" that no one in their "right" (or "left") mind would 
bother to spend too much time trying to decipher. Worst
case: A prospective user leaves the site (with a slight hint suggesting that 
maybe the code is as disorganized as the web page)
and downloads some other project's code. Bye-bye prospect. Wouldn't touch it 
with a 10 foot pole.

Best case: A prospect user will end up downloading the trunk code, because, on 
this web page, all roads lead to a trunk download.
Then, well how much fun is that going to be for a new user who doesn't have a 
clue where to start? Bye-bye prospect. I tried, but
code isn't stable enough for my tastes.

And some wonder why there isn't more OFBiz activity out there. Well, I for one 
am pretty sure I know why.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Some ASF projects are very sucessful yet with strong competition, for instance 
ServiceMix vs Mule, Geronimo, vs..., etc.
We may mimic some of the ways they are doing things. For instance, some time 
ago Chris Snow asked for a better SEO, I'm not quite
sure but I think it'a about exporting the wiki and make Google (and other SEs) 
knows about it...


From: "Tim Ruppert" <>
Ruth, I'm sure there's some good that could come out of your message - so 
against my general nature of responding to this type of
attitude, I'm going to try and help you phrase this in a way that will help us 
help infra to try to meet what you're looking for.
Here's what I see when I go to the site(s): - not downloading and testing 
anything - just looking at what I see:

1. The nightly trunk seems to be updated daily.
2. The 9.04 builds seem to, for some reason not be being updated on this page.
3. There aren't many 4.0 releases being built.

Then I go to here - - 
and I see a slightly different picture:

1. The trunk builds aren't really archives they're simply another copy after it 
was moved over.
-- The archives are there though from when HotWax was managing it.
2. The 9.04 builds seem to really be the ones that we'd want on that first page.

Now, since I know that this release and the downloads are super important to 
you, I'm really more interested in hearing you:

1. Lay out the way you'd like to see these pages work.
2. Even show some examples of other projects that you _do_ like

I hope this helps Ruth - as Adrian and Jacopo mentioned, what you've sent here 
is just a whine, not a helpful way for anyone to
improve.  Put in the time and help us to make it more like you like and I'm 
sure you'll be more pleased with the result.  Btw,
all of those other options are not the same type of community driven projects 
as the ASF, so it's hard to manage the same way.
When commercial interests are more intertwined with the project, there are 
definitely benefits (as well as drawbacks), so let's
at least acknowledge those.


On Feb 5, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

If there is a problem with the OFBiz site, it would be helpful to know what it 
is. Remarks like this are not helpful.


Ruth Hoffman wrote:
This was meant as a sarcastic, "I can't believe this kind of thing keeps falling 
through the cracks", kind of remark. No wonder
new users shy away. I mean, no wonder new users run as fast as their browsers 
will take them to OpenBravo, OpenERP, Magento...
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