On Fri, 2010-02-05 at 18:21 -0700, Tim Ruppert wrote:
> What  I'm looking for are actual examples and thought put in to _how_ I
>  can  help design and bring to fruition the type of snapshot website
>  that  you would be stoked about.  As I said earlier, even examples of
>  someone else doing it really well is out there.  What you've written
>   below is really general and doesn't make much sense to me

I can't look at the snapshot web page separately from the rest.  For me,
the biggest issue is that there is a lot of stuff on the site in several
formats, and it is hard to see where the various parts are, how they
relate to each other, whether they are up to date, and where to start.
Various elements have given me clues, but a 30000-foot overview would be
really nice.  Much of this is that the site is obviously in transition.

For example, most pages come up in a weird default Confluence format
where the top level is in one list and the children are all lumped
together in a second list under "Children". Clicking "view in hierarchy"
puts things in the "normal" outline format, while "hide children" gives
the "collapsed" view.  This seems really awkward compared to the more
conventional collapsible outline view:

[+] This is a collapsed item with hidden children
[-] This item has no hidden children
    [+] This is a collapsed child with children
    [-] This item has no children

Why would you ever want all children lumped in a separate paragraph at
the bottom and separated from their parents?  And especially by default?

If articles or pages are long, with complicated parents and children,
then I'd suggest the Wikipedia convention of an outline at the top, so
you can quickly get to what you want.  I'm not a fan of left-nav,
multicolumn layouts that render weirdly on cell-phones, PDAs, and
netbooks, and never print as expected.

So here is my ideal site map outline (from what I know today, which is
admittedly really limited).  These should NOT all be on the home page,
but the 8 or so top-levels should all be reachable and at least somewhat
described on that page.  Each line probably deserves a page to itself.
Downloads would be at second or third level (about where they are now).

The object here is to get things into a comprehensible order, so that a
new user has a way to get a handle on it and see how the various pieces
fit together.  I'm sure these could be refined and shortened.

What is OFBiz
        ERP basics
        Open Source/Apache License
        Capabilities (as of now)
        Who is using OFBiz, and how
        Websites based on OFBiz (production use)
        OFBiz demo sites
        VAR products (OpenTaps, Neogia, etc)
Getting OFBiz
        System requirements
        OFBiz versions and methods (svn vs http)
        Download current/archives
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        Updates and upgrades
Using OFBiz
        Manager evaluation/planning manual
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Matt Warnock <mwarn...@ridgecrestherbals.com>
RidgeCrest Herbals, Inc.

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