David E Jones wrote:
On Feb 18, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:


David E Jones wrote:
The target for the ecommerce templates is not to be used completely as-is, it is 
meant to be inclusive because it is easier to disable things and comment them out 
than it is to dig up details to add things in. For the visual L&F you need to 
know some basic CSS in order to modify the CSS file. Is that really too much to ask?

Yes. Maybe the new user is a Java developer and not CSS knowledgeable. Not to 
say they can't become knowledgeable, but why make it harder than it has to be. 
This worked before. IMO, it was left out of 9.04 as an oversight and not for 
any technical reason. Therefore, it is a regression introduced when someone 
changed the UI  without first understanding what was there before the change 
was made.

I'm not sure where you got this impression. If you have something to site about 
it, please do.

The reality is that this was an intentional change as part of the theme 
functionality in the ecommerce app, which greatly increases the configurability 
and flexibility of the templates. Maybe you should look into them...

Really? Which templates are now more flexible and configurable? And, why does the Freemarker header file still look for Catalog logo overrides?

BTW, I've looked at the themes. They don't do much for the ecommerce demo.

Since you brought this topic up: As for the Webapp themes, I really like the round over page wrap stuff, but if you or anyone else used the Webtools as much as I do and switched back and forth all the time between applications, I think you will quickly find that without the navigation tabs clearly visible (as they are on the flat grey theme), life with OFBiz is very painful. I've tried them all and I still go back to flat grey because the navigation tabs are clearly visible all the time.

Sorry, but someone needs to do some human factors studies based on real life users. Design considerations should be based real life usage and not what developers think is the latest coolest thing to do.


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