Btw, just to chime in - it's a helluva lot easier to train someone to follow 
best practices and write higher quality code in mini lang than it is to do the 
same in Java.  I'm a Java programmer first and foremost, but I love the fact 
that OFBiz provides minilang as an option - it increases efficiency - and isn't 
that the point of this business system we all know and love?

I'd say that for those of you who don't "like" minilang - I'd spend some more 
time getting to know minilang - it's here to stay and has it's place just like 
every other language we use in the system.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Sorry, I meant things you would like to see changed in mini-language.
> -Adrian
> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>> Hi Adrian:
>> I think I already said what I'd like changed. Perhaps you overlooked this: 
>> Please add a procedural language to the mix. PHP, Groovy, Bean Shell etc. I 
>> don't care which.
>> Regards,
>> Ruth
>> Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Maybe the next time you try to use it, you could create a list of things 
>>> you would like to see changed and submit it to the community.
>>> -Adrian
>>> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>> Hi Adrian:
>>>> To tell the truth, I don't use it to build my services anymore. Too much 
>>>> trouble to try and figure out each time how it works. Much easier for me 
>>>> to write Java code.
>>>> BTW, don't you find it curious that no other non-committers (aside from 
>>>> the original inquiry) has anything to say about this?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ruth
>>>> Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>> I tried using the Mini Language to create some Simple Services and I 
>>>>>> found that in each situation, CRUD operations were only the tip of the 
>>>>>> ice-berg as far as developing applications was concerned. My 
>>>>>> applications do much more than update database records. To go beyond 
>>>>>> CRUD (and simple HTML forms to update the database) is very cumbersome 
>>>>>> using the Mini Language.
>>>>> If you give us examples of things that could be made easier in 
>>>>> mini-language, then we might be able to change the language.
>>>>> -Adrian

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