Hi Hans,

I'm still in favor of the approach that I suggested earlier and you haven't 
really mentioned why it wouldn't work for you.  If you like and if you are 
willing to wait a couple of days I could show you what I mean with some example 
entity xml data.  You could then load it into a demo instance and play around 
with it.

I haven't read your proposal in detail yet but I'm not really in favor of using 
the isVirtual=Y/isVariant=Y combination to indicate uom specific behavior.  I 
think it is quite possible for a product to have that combination in real life 
and using it for something else would remove that possibility.  Imagine a 
variant that is itself also a virtual with its own child variants.


HotWax Media

On 11/11/2010, at 8:46 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

> A longer explanation how we want to implement this can be found at:
> http://www.antwebsystems.com/control/ViewBlogArticle?contentId=16750&blogContentId=AWS_BLOG
> Regards,
> Hans
> On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 16:52 +0700, Hans Bakker wrote:
>> We are are still getting the best solution, help appreciated.
>> We are thinking of the following:
>> you have a product which you sell in pieces and boxes of ten.
>> Then the product per piece is the lowest denominator and has a variant
>> association to a virtual/variant product which is an alternative
>> packaging of the product per piece and can have an adjusted price but no
>> inventory.
>> Currently the e-commerce checks for the virtual flag and want to show a
>> feature selection list, however in the case of the virtual- and variant
>> flag both set, it should not.
>> When the box of 10 is selected, The productId per piece is selected with
>> the adjusted price of the box variant.
>> Comments very much appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Hans
>> On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 12:13 -0600, David E Jones wrote:
>>> For boxes of a product you'll usually have one product that represents the 
>>> individual items (which may or may not be for sale directly to the 
>>> customer), and one that is a product that represents the box and that is 
>>> associated with the individual item. In OFBiz there are a few different 
>>> product types you can choose from to have the system handle the box in 
>>> different ways automatically, or you can use plain old Finished Good to 
>>> handle the boxes manually.
>>> For certain products all you need is the three fields already on the 
>>> Product entity:
>>> quantityUomId
>>> quantityIncluded
>>> piecesIncluded
>>> For example if you have a six-pack of 12oz soda cans you would have 
>>> quantityIncluded=12, quantityUomId=oz, piecesIncluded=6.
>>> -David
>>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 11:02 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>> Hi Scott, this is sure an interesting idea, but then how does the system
>>>> know that they are for example 10 pieces in a box? I still what to have
>>>> the same inventory for boxes and pieces.
>>>> We should be able to store the conversion between the uom's for this
>>>> product somewhere? 
>>>> Thanks for you input!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Hans
>>>> On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 17:39 +1300, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>> Sorry if this is a silly question, but why not just use different 
>>>>> products for different UOMs?  You could use virtual/variants if you 
>>>>> wanted the UOM to be selectable on a single product page and also 
>>>>> marketing packages to automatically produce inventory for the desired UOM 
>>>>> from the base UOM.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>> On 3/10/2010, at 3:54 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you BJ,
>>>>>> I had in mind to create and 'productUomAlternatives' table to the
>>>>>> product with a conversion for example from pieces to boxes with an
>>>>>> optional price adjustment percentage.
>>>>>> The system will have however only one uom where everything gets
>>>>>> converted to.
>>>>>> Anybody else other solutions?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Hans.
>>>>>> On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 10:21 -0700, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes also like a Feed store will have boxes, Sacks, and loose feed.
>>>>>>> I used the multiple pricing model for the Uom Measure
>>>>>>> in the product screen made it allow multiple UOM.
>>>>>>> added to the code that converts from what is received in inventory to 
>>>>>>> what is sold so it walks through the Uom. for instance a feed store 
>>>>>>> Receives feed in Bulk and then sacks it as inventory is required.
>>>>>>> The Inventory levels have to be checked  to see how many in a product 
>>>>>>> run to generate to sack up the grain. This Triggers an Seca.
>>>>>>> I think a nice touch would be that the could generates the product data 
>>>>>>> to show up in orders, based on the Uoms that were generated for the 
>>>>>>> products. it would follow the same model for inventory levels on the 
>>>>>>> orderentry and Ecommerce
>>>>>>> Hans Bakker sent the following on 10/2/2010 4:29 AM:
>>>>>>>> A question to the community:
>>>>>>>> sometimes the same products are sold with different units of measure.
>>>>>>>> Example gold jewelry.
>>>>>>>> Per piece, per box of 10, per box of 50 and per gram gold weight.
>>>>>>>> Is here a preference how to implement that?
>>>>>>>> Remember this has to show up in e-commerce, orders, shipments and
>>>>>>>> invoices...
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Ofbiz on twitter: http://twitter.com/apache_ofbiz
>>>>>> Myself on twitter: http://twitter.com/hansbak
>>>>>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality services for competitive rates.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Ofbiz on twitter: http://twitter.com/apache_ofbiz
>>>> Myself on twitter: http://twitter.com/hansbak
>>>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality services for competitive rates.
> -- 
> Ofbiz on twitter: http://twitter.com/apache_ofbiz
> Myself on twitter: http://twitter.com/hansbak
> Antwebsystems.com: Quality services for competitive rates.

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