Hi Ted,

I'm still in full-doofus mode regarding OFBiz and its capabilities for
integrating with third-party services/apps from various
frameworks/languages.  I'm not even strong enough on the uptake to know
whether something like the ASF's Camel project might be stepping in the
right direction.

I haven't thought much about UML diagramming tools since I used the old
Rational Rose product while doing some Struts 1.x web app programming
(over 10 years ago).  I'm afraid that when it comes to
design/development/implementation this tech writer is always playing
catch-up with the professionals.  Documentation is my strength.

That said, diagramming some use cases in UML would be an important
consideration for coming up with answers to various questions that
C-levels might have while conducting OFBiz cost-benefit analyses.  I
know that Ruth Hoffman wrote a great introductory book about high-level
OFBiz ecommerce functionality, a solid jumping-off point for business
managers who are as IT-non-savvy as I am.

I am among the demographic of end users for such hand-holding
documentation.  How can another OFBIz-related project help potential end
users take that next step from Hoffman's introductory book toward
practical milestones?

Perhaps gathering requirements would be a reasonable place to start.  I
will evaluate options for hosting such a collaborative documentation
project (question for OFBiz site admins: is there a sandbox area in the
wiki that is available?)

I sense a tiny bit of traction.  Here's hoping it gets beyond just a few
people talking around one another.

On 14-02-13 10:12 AM, Ted Byers wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Todd Thorner <tthor...@infotinuum.com>wrote:
>> Thank you, Mr. Byers, for posting such a remark-worthy suggestion, and
>> thank you, Mr. Rosser, for providing the inertia that might help start
>> an exciting new OFBiz-related project (congrats as well on securing a
>> happy jeweler client).
>> I would be an enthusiastic participant in any documentation project
>> whose outcome helped business managers become dedicated OFBiz end users.
>>  Indeed, I am one such hopeful business manager, excited by the prospect
>> of having OFBiz at the core of my transactional processes, daunted by
>> the IT learning curve.
>> I am by trade a tech writer with over 15 years of experience, mostly
>> doing API docs for SDK products.  I also have a Fine Arts degree in
>> Creative Writing, and those two properties combined make me one of the
>> most sought-after writers in the Vancouver IT industry.  I am, though,
>> as I said, now working on becoming a successful business owner.
>> From my perspective, this might be a proverbial golden opportunity.  I
>> would learn a lot and move up that learning curve, plus I have much to
>> offer those who seek to improve OFBiz documentation and attract more
>> CFOs & CMOs to the product.
>> I ask the community how a prospective team might start a workflow (Agile
>> or whatever) for such a project.  Would a focal point of managing
>> productivity be JIRA or something like that?  Is there an
>> eat-the-dog-food instance of OFBiz out there allowing authorized
>> contributors to use its Scrum functionality?  Maybe even its CMS
>> interface?  I would love to help make OFBiz compatible with any
>> arbitrary CMIS-compliant product, but that's just me...
>> Thanks for everything that everyone does to make this product world-class.
> You're welcome Todd,
> I don't have a specific answer for the questions you raise.  I generally go
> with whatever works with the team with whom I am working at the time.
> My priority, right now, is to first learn how to set up a multi-tenant
> installation of OFBiz, as well as a multi-site installation of wordpress;
> and then how to integrate the two so that OFBiz's ecommerce component can
> be used to handle payment for subscriptions to the contents on one or more
> of the sites in the Wordpress installation.  I'd also want to be able to
> support use of, the relevant back office components (e.g. the accounting),
> for a venture that is focused on publishing.
> I then want to install Redmine, in order to be able to exploit it's project
> management features (including issue/bug tracking).  I have not yet begun
> to see to what extent Redmine's capabilities are complementary to OFBiz's
> capabilities or how much overlap there may be, e.g., WRT the work effort
> components).  While Redmine, itself, integrates into a couple version
> control products (notably Subversion), it does not seem to have, as far as
> I can tell, support for any of the UML diagrams.  What I am keeping an eye
> out for is an open source product that both relates each UML diagram (such
> as a use case scenario) to one or more items on a wish list (easily created
> in Redmine), as well as relating each use case diagram to the code that
> implements it.  Do you, or anyone else, know of an open source product that
> supports UML documentation, that could be integrated with Redmine?  One
> that can construct a suite of UML documents given a codebase (and that can
> be used to construct a complete set of UML diagrams, or at least use case
> and E-R diagrams, for OFBiz, WordPress and Redmine), would be particularly
> useful as that could automatically provide core design documentation, and
> the use case documents could be used both to provide feature lists and a
> suite of howto documents.  Is there any automated tool to make the
> documentation task easier?
> One of the things that makes this especially daunting is that OFBiz is Java
> while Wordpress is PHP and Redmine is Ruby.  And there are a few features
> that do not seem to exist that I would probably implement in a mix of Perl
> and C++.  Integration of web apps involving such a mix of languages is
> something I have not yet tried (all the web apps I have developed have been
> either entirely Perl (with JavaScript on the client side) or a mix of Java
> Servlets+JSP/JSF, so I am unsure of how to integrate two apps that use very
> different technologies, and especially how to maintain session info in that
> effort.
> Cheers,
> Ted

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