It seems to me that Pierre is questioning how this community work. He is not 
the 1st to do that, others have resigned, not Ron.


Le 19/09/2014 13:20, Scott Gray a écrit :
Quite a novel you've written there Piere.  There's so many things I'd like to 
clarify in your rant but you're so far detached from the reality of how this 
community works that it's gotten to the point of being pointless.


On 19 September 2014 20:59:48 GMT+12:00, Pierre Smits<>  
Is you response directed to me, Scot? Or is it to all of the 'other
kind of
contributors than you are'?

If directed at me, then have the common decency to state my name, so
all of us do know that too.

RE: mailing list moderators.
Up to yesterday, I was not aware of the fact that there was such a
nor who the members are that are policing what gets in mailing list.
done a little search on that subject in our wikis I found no reference
about it, nor a disclosure of this. Doing a wider search in my mail
archives I found that Jacques expressed back in November 2013 that it
unclear to him who those moderators were. And he is a PMC Member.....

I guess I must compliment the PMC on showing such great restraint in:

   - disclosing that there is a group within this community called the
   'mailing list moderators'
- disclosing who the community members are that are policing our
- reporting on what this group has kept out and/or removed our mailing

My advise to the PMC is to re-evaluate and correct that situation. This
community deserves transparency and disclosure.

RE: critique
Yes, Jacopo was criticising me using this mailing list for this matter.
you, nor any other community member. That you think about it and
your viewpoint is a good thing to improve the work and/or the
between community members of this project.
But don't try to shun or ostracize the other community member that does
same. Like you have tried in the past onto me and others with even far
moderation in you tones than you are sharing now.

How wondrous and ambiguous you are when saying that 'community members
perceive my actions in a negative way' and that thus meritocacy works
against me.
Is that your kind of community members? Or the other kind, the kind
the power to vote? The way you have expressed your self in the past,
could better have said 'we, the active committers and PMC members'.

And meritocracy works against me? In this project it is applied as a
popularity poll amongst persons who, in my opinion, only vote to
their power base. But not in respect of bringing this project further,
community wise.

>From day one of my participation in this project, from my first
contribution onwards the cards in the deck have been stacked against me
any of the other kind of contributor, because:

   - I haven't done code contributions to the set of components in the
   framework stack,
  - I haven't been your lackey, serf or yes-man every time you, and the
   other contributors like you, contributed stuff,
   - I have called you out when you used foul language towards other
   community members and myself.

And you hold grudges.

Since the day this project came out of the incubator, since the day
archives and stats are available on the mailing lists and, for sure, on
other tools of this project, it shows that I am, in absolute numbers,
of the most active non-committing contributors in this projects,
you look at identifying issues, contributing patches helping newcomers
other community members and promoting both the works of this project
the project itself. Even promoting other contributors.
I have been even more active than some of your kind. And if you or
else don't or doens't believe me, for an indication you can have a look
the 'Who sent it' overview in  I am
the top 25.

That you regard my contributions as mediocre and/or argumentative for
sake of arguing, like you have done in the past, says more about you
your regards for contributions of the other kind of contributors and
about those contributors, than the actual, objective merit of these
contributions to this project. Meritocracy at work, my ass.

That we disagree on points is fact. I respect our differences in
viewpoints. I regret that you don't express - through your actions -
capability, nor the willingness to work with every contributor in
consensus in improving this community and the total some of works of

Nonetheless, I do appreciate all your contributions to improve the
of the code base of the components in the framework stack. And I'll
appreciate you leaving the other stuff of this project to others.

Now, to put it in the same paternalistic way as Jacopo has done, let's
get back to work, do what each of us is good at and thus make OFBiz a
better project and product. And stop arguing for the sake of arguing.

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

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