
I use a "solid" version - when CEO's will make a meeting I am too anxious to change only parts.

Version 5.0.0-M4-SNAPSHOT
Revision 47fe95a
Builddate 2020-04-04T17:02:12Z

Kurento is version 6.10.

€Ed: A very nice idea. I try to be at home today in the evening - I hope I can participate at 19h UTC.

Best regards,


Am 14.04.2020 um 14:12 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

what version of Om are you using?
is it "solid" build or some build with updated "parts"?
what version of KMS are you using?

demo-next server has been started for this :)
I'm not sure if I can participate, too much work right now :(

On Tue, 14 Apr 2020 at 18:19, <i...@bureau-de-poste.net <mailto:i...@bureau-de-poste.net>> wrote:

    Hello All,

    I have an interesting idea, I think. The test server at
    https://om.alteametasoft.com:8443/next/signin seems to me to be
    very fast. Why don't many of us testers agree to meet at a
    specific time in a specific room - I suggest the Public Video and
    Whiteboard Room (room no. 4), and if we have 5 or more people, we
    can see for ourselves how fast it is, and whether or not video
    conference participants need to exit and re-login to actively
    participate in a conference. I had that problem with 5.0.0 M3 with
    only 2 users, and I had to either refresh one user every once in a
    while, or - what worked better - re-login at least once.

    I am available to test this at 19h UTC or Grenwich Mean Time
    (London Time) most days - for example today, Tuesday April 14, or
    tomorrow, Wednesday April 15th.

    Can anyone agree on a date and time and meet virtually in room
    number 4 to test it?

    Best regards,


    Quoting "R. Scholz" <rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de


    today we had a video-conference with 7 people. All had a small
    video-size with 120x90 and microphone switch on (default, 22050
    rate, 32k bitrate).

    While the 1,5h conference every participant must from time to
    time make a new login. At first the video goes slwoly (end stand
    still), the voice
    is clanking, than they must login new. After that all is OK. Good
    video, good sound.

    I use a 100MBit synchronous Fiberchannel for our OM-server.

    It was a conference between the CEO's from me and another "global
    It bugs me that the CEO's from the other side said that "Zoom
    runs better". (They hat tested Zoom the last weeks.)


    Is there a possibility to make our OM "more tolerant"?

    Best regards,

Best regards,

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