Hello All,

I have an interesting idea, I think. The test server  (5.0.0 M4) at https://om.alteametasoft.com:8443/next/signin seems to me to be very fast. Why don't many of us testers agree to meet tomorrow, Thursday, April 16 in a specific room - I suggest the Public Video and Whiteboard Room (room no. 4), and if we have 5 or more people, we can see for ourselves how fast it is, and whether or not video conference participants need to exit and re-login to actively participate in a conference. I had a problem with 5.0.0 M3 with only 2 users, and I had to either refresh one user every once in a while, or - what worked better - re-login at least once. 

There are already two of us who will be there - can anyone else meet virtually in room number 4 to test it? tomorrow, Thursday at 19:00 UTC (London, England time).

Best regards,



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