When I open my Owncloud Client (version 2.1.1) the 'Add Folder Sync
Connection' button is greyed out.  If I hover the mouse over it then
the tooltip says:-

    Add folder is disabled because you are already syncing all your
    files.  If you want to sync multiple folders then please remove
    the currently configured root folder.

Well, I removed the "currently configured root folder" but as soon as
I add a folder back then *it* becomes the "currently configured root
folder" and I still have the same limitation that I had before.

I know I played this game before when I was running an older version
of Owncloud.

Can someone explain how I can synchronise multiple folders and what
the point of the 'Add Folder Sync Connection' button is because as far
as I can see it will always be greyed out except when there is nothing
being synchronised.

Chris Green
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