NameNode error Logs:

2015-06-30 00:30:05,933 FATAL
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode: Failed to start namenode. NameNode is not formatted.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Don Bosco Durai <> wrote:

> Anything in the namenode log file?
> Thanks
> Bosco
> From: Aneela Saleem <>
> Reply-To: "" <
> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 12:18 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: Error Setting up Ranger-Admin
> Hdfs Plugin request is not being shown in Audit > Plugins tab. I followed
> all steps and verified with your steps. Restarted namenode but still can't
> see any plugin request
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Aneela Saleem <>
> wrote:
>> Thank you so much Bosco. I created JIRA for this. Can be found here
>> <>
>> Let me try UserSync, then i will approach yyou in case of any problem.
>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Don Bosco Durai <
>> > wrote:
>>> Good. I already typed it, so let me paste it for the benefit of others.
>>> We need to update the doc also. If you don’t mind, can you create a JIRA to
>>> track this?
>>>    1. Go to RangerAdmin UI -> AccessManager (first menu tab is already
>>>    opened by default)
>>>    2. Click on “+” in the HDFS panel title
>>>    3. Enter Service Name: e.g. “${cluster_name}_hdfs. Cluster name
>>>    could be anything. You can call the repo “test_hdfs” if you want to
>>>    4. UserName: ranger  (doesn’t matter whether it exists because you
>>>    are not using kerberos)
>>>    5. Password: ranger (doesn’t matter what you give)
>>>    6. Namenode URL: hdfs://<namenode_host>:8020
>>>    7. Authorization Enabled: No
>>>    8. Authentication Type: Simple
>>>    9. Rest you can leave it as default.
>>> Save this screen. Then use the same name e.g “test_hdfs” in your
>>> for enabling Ranger in HDFS. Then restart namenode.
>>> Is the plugin request showing up in the Audit->Plugin tab?
>>> If the plugin is showing up, then that means authorization and auditing
>>> is already working.
>>> For configuring policies, we need to configure UserSync. The
>>> install/configure process is same for all processes. You need to update the
>>> with the appropriate values.
>>> Set  SYNC_SOURCE = ldap
>>> And check the section "Table: LDAP/AD Properties with sample values” for
>>> reference values.
>>> Please note that for using LDAP within Hadoop, you need to configure
>>> Hadoop core-site.xml to use LDAP. You might be already knowing it. Just
>>> want to make sure.
>>> Thanks
>>> Bosco
>>> From: Aneela Saleem <>
>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 11:13 AM
>>> To: "" <
>>> >
>>> Subject: Re: Error Setting up Ranger-Admin
>>> Luckily i have created the service myself. Thanks for your timely help.
>>> Can you please tell me now what should be the next step. I want to
>>> explore all the functionality i.e.,
>>> sync LDAP contacts
>>> perform authorization etc
>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Aneela Saleem <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> There are no errors in NameNode logs.
>>>> Can you please tell me how to create service/repo using Ranger Admin?
>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Don Bosco Durai <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, this is link I was about to redirect you to.
>>>>> Sorry, I might have assumed incorrectly on your initial question.
>>>>> ./ is called only for installing RangerAdmin. Good it seems you
>>>>> have made progress on installing RangerAdmin.
>>>>> I also assume, your ./ went through fine.
>>>>> Looking into the Apache Ranger document, it seems it doesn’t
>>>>> explicitly call out to create a repo/service for HDFS in RangerAdmin. In
>>>>> the for HDFS, what value have you given for the 
>>>>> property
>>>>> “REPOSITORY_NAME”? You need to create a service/repo in RangerAdmin
>>>>> with the same name.
>>>>> Also, after you restart HDFS namenode, can you check the namenode logs
>>>>> for any error?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Bosco
>>>>> From: Aneela Saleem <>
>>>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>>>> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 10:16 AM
>>>>> To: "" <
>>>>> Subject: Re: Error Setting up Ranger-Admin
>>>>> And i'm using following link for installation:
>>>>> I'm upto *Enabling Ranger HDFS Plugins *section (e)
>>>>>    - You can verify by logging into the Ranger Admin Web interface ­>
>>>>>    Audit > Agents.
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    You can verify the plugin is communicating to Ranger admin in
>>>>>    Audit-­>plugins tab
>>>>> where i don't see any audits ensuring hdfs plugin is communicating to
>>>>> Ranger Admin.
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Aneela Saleem <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm planning to secure HDFS and i'm using Knox for authentication
>>>>>> using REST API.
>>>>>> Yes i'm still able to access the RangerAdmin UI. I'm just curious how
>>>>>> to sync LDAP contacts in APache Ranger.
>>>>>> Secondly if the document is related to 0.4 and i'm linked with 0.5,
>>>>>> then how should i proceed? Do you have any fruitful link, i should 
>>>>>> follow?
>>>>>> (being a novice)
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Don Bosco Durai <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Aneela
>>>>>>> The document you linked is for Apache Ranger 0.4. There subtle
>>>>>>> changes in Apache Ranger 0.5.
>>>>>>> Just curious, how you were able to access RangerAdmin UI? Did the
>>>>>>> installation continued after the install failure?
>>>>>>> Also, can you give additional information of your env? I can try
>>>>>>> reproducing it.
>>>>>>> Also, which components are you planning secure? (HDFS, Hive, Hbase,
>>>>>>> Solr, YARN, Storm, etc)
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Bosco
>>>>>>> From: Aneela Saleem <>
>>>>>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 5:19 AM
>>>>>>> To: "" <
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Error Setting up Ranger-Admin
>>>>>>> And secondly my Ranger UI does not Match the UI as shown in the
>>>>>>> following link:
>>>>>>> There is no Policy Manager Tab and no Manage Repository Thing.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Aneela Saleem <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Bosco,
>>>>>>>> I did as you suggested but still getting same error.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 4:49 AM, Don Bosco Durai <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The properties file looks good..
>>>>>>>>> I am not sure whether it is because of python 2.7. Is it possible
>>>>>>>>> for you to use python 2.6?
>>>>>>>>> Try changing the below to where 2.6 is installed.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Bosco
>>>>>>>>> From: Aneela Saleem <>
>>>>>>>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>>>>>>>> Date: Monday, July 27, 2015 at 2:02 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: "" <
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Error Setting up Ranger-Admin
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> I have followed this link
>>>>>>>>> But when i run *./setupsh, *i get the following error at the end:
>>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>   File "", line 40, in <module>
>>>>>>>>> write_properties_to_xml(ranger_admin_site_xml_path,parameter_name,parameter_value)
>>>>>>>>>   File "", line 21, in write_properties_to_xml
>>>>>>>>>     if(os.path.isfile(xml_path)):
>>>>>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 29, in isfile
>>>>>>>>>     st = os.stat(path)
>>>>>>>>> TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType
>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>> 2015-07-28 01:38:57,308  [E] Update property failed for:
>>>>>>>>> Attached is the *install.proprties* file.
>>>>>>>>> I'm new to Apache Knox, can anyone please guide me. I'm having
>>>>>>>>> troubles in installing Apache Ranger.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks

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