Thx - nice work.

Tried it, works so far - method gets called and i get an ajax response.
But i see no popup in the browser, must have done something wrong ;).


Am Dienstag, den 08.05.2007, 19:57 +0200 schrieb Hermod Opstvedt:
> Hi
> Wiki entry in place.
> Hermod
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: Erik Govaers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sendt: 8. mai 2007 17:33
> Til:
> Emne: Re: SV: Shale and Sandbox inputSuggestAjax
> Hi,
> It would be brilliant if you could get us a fix in a couple of days. I'm in 
> an advanced phase of a project and I'm reluctant to let go of either Shale or 
> Tomahawk-Sandbox. And yes, I would welcome a Wiki too.
> Thank you,
> Erik
> >----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
> >Van: Hermod Opstvedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Verzonden: dinsdag, mei 8, 2007 05:14 PM
> >Aan:
> >Onderwerp: SV: Shale and Sandbox inputSuggestAjax
> >
> >Hi
> >
> >I have a working setup for Clay on this and if there is an interest I can 
> >write a small tutorial on the Wiki.
> >
> >I am going to start a fix for the Shale-validator which is the cause of this 
> >later to day and hopefully it will be done in a day or two.
> >
> >Hermod
> >
> >
> >-----Opprinnelig melding-----
> >Fra: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >Sendt: 8. mai 2007 16:47
> >Til:
> >Emne: Re: Shale and Sandbox inputSuggestAjax
> >
> >>From: "Erik Govaers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >>
> >> Hello, 
> >> 
> >> I’m trying my hand at a very simple example based on the 
> >> example at I get 
> >> an 
> >> input field, but when I start typing I get no suggestions since my backing 
> >> bean 
> >> ‘suggestedItems’ method is never called. I’m using server-side 
> >> saving, but 
> >> switching to client-side makes no difference. I’ve looked at a lot of 
> >> the 
> >> inputSuggestAjax related issues in the mailing lists, but found no 
> >> solution yet. 
> >> My guess is that is has either something to do with the fact that I'm 
> >> using 
> >> MyFaces 1.1.3 or with the fact that the Shale/Clay ValidatorInputRenderer 
> >> is 
> >> overwriting the InputSuggestAjax Renderer (something I noticed just now). 
> >> If the 
> >> latter is true, what can I do to prevent this? 
> >>
> >
> >This is an open JIRA ticket [1].  We need to find a configurable option for 
> >specifying components in the "javax.faces.Input" family that should be 
> >excluded from the commons validator renderer decorator.
> >
> >This looks like a cool component. You might try a workaround.  This is a 
> >*complete hack* but I think it should solve this problem.  The trick would 
> >be to change the component family and rendererType.
> > 
> > 
> >[1]
> > 
> >Consider:
> >
> >
> >// subclass the component overriding the family and renderer type.
> >package com.acme.InputSuggestAjax
> >public class InputSuggestAjax extends 
> >org.apache.myfaces.custom.suggestajax.inputsuggestajax.InputSuggestAjax {
> >   public InputSuggestAjax() {
> >      setRendererType("com.acme.InputSuggestAjax")
> >   }   
> >   public String getFamily() {
> >       return "com.acme.Input";
> >   }
> >
> >
> >}
> >
> >// register the subclassed component in the /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
> >
> >  <component>
> >    <component-type>com.acme.InputSuggestAjax</component-type>
> >    <component-class>com.acme.InputSuggestAjax</component-class>
> >  </component>
> > <render-kit>
> >    <renderer>
> >      <component-family>com.acme.Input</component-family>
> >      <renderer-type>com.acme.InputSuggestAjax</renderer-type>
> >      
> > <renderer-class>org.apache.myfaces.custom.suggestajax.inputsuggestajax.InputSuggestAjaxRenderer</renderer-class>
> >    </renderer>
> >  </render-kit>
> >
> >
> >Depending on if you are using JSP, Clay or Facelets you will need some 
> >additional setup. 
> >
> >
> >Gary
> >
> >
> >

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