Awesome! Inheritance in, or parameterizing of, the Validator plugin, will be the last step in getting a CRU (no D) use case finished the *right* way (hopefully). This is with declarative validation, declarative exception handling, an action layer, a business layer and a data access layer (architect demanded these layers), as well as full use of Struts HTML tags for all forms, and some use of bean and logic tags, plus I wrote a PlugIn for combo box value arrays and a pluggable validator extension to do some "twofields" matching, and finally learned how to do conditional validation with requiredif. Oh, and of course the "static" content is all pulled from i18n-able properties files. Total time to learn Struts from scratch, set up JBoss, MySQL, CVS and get this use case working: Three weeks.

Not too shabby eh? I'm sold on Struts, but the docs need to be revised, revised and revised some more! Maybe someday I'll have time to contribute.

The only thing I have done redundantly is check for "loggedin-ness", but I will soon refactor that with a Servlet filter methinks.

Thanks to all on this list who have helped! Can't wait till the clients ask for the site in Spanish!


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