Hi, Andrew:

If you are going to show HTML try the <pre> tag and change the HTML tags with "&lt;" and "&gt;" instead of < and >.

What you are doing, Andrew, is not clear to me. You have talked about using <html:link> instead of <html:submit> to submit a form. I have no idea why you would ever think these two would work the same. Ultimately, Struts tags must become standard HTML, of course. The <link> HTML tag is simply not meant to be a substitute for the <input type='submit'> HTML tag. You also talk about other things. I guess I missed the thread of this conversation early, but the latter part seems somewhat goofy to me. I don't mean it IS goofy, of course, but just that what you are saying sounds strange. Why use <link> for a submission of a form? I don't think <link> ever submits a form, does it?


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