No -- I'm OK with that. I'm pretty willing to do anything that is being asked of me *except* handing over my uri :) It's a requirement that, for example, I can have the uri defined as /[some module]/some.jsp (again, as an example).

Using struts tags relieves me of a lot of work (mostly that I can re-render the failed input page with all the user's data) but at the expense it seems of now having the browser address bar as "something.action" instead of /module/something.jsp. I thought perhaps there were ways around having struts re-define the uri's.

On 03/06/2012 07:51 AM, Jeffrey Black wrote:

Are you wanting to leverage the Struts 2 validation framework without actually having to 
define an "action" class?


On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:40 AM, eelboy<>  wrote:


I'm very new to struts2 and have two questions that I have not seen 
asked/answered in my short time on this list (but also through plenty of online 

(1) Is it possible to invoke form validation without having the URL being rewritten to 
xxxx.action?  That is, can i keep my existing JSP urls but simply "add" struts2 

(2) Is it possible to manipulate the default value that is displayed for a specific 
field?  For example, if the field in question is a signed integer, but a value of -1 is 
intended to represent a default (ie, user did not supply a value) is there any way to not 
display anything in that field instead of "-1" - which appears to be the 

Apologies if these questions have been answered before,

Thanks for any info.

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