And of course... there's a little thing could profit.
Keep your hands of my stash. W/ any O/S, I get better quality and keep more of my penies, important for profesional developers.

But specificaly, I have not used VB or C# Express, so it's hard for me to compare detials. It be great to hear from somone who deplpyed both in production.


Jim Barrows wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Anders Jacobsen
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:01 PM
Subject: Advantages of J2EE w. Struts vs .NET ASP.NET


I think this place would be a good place to good some colored ;) comments on and Web applications implemented with J2EE w./ Struts and the same implemented with ASP.NET.

Microsoft people tends to have just one point-of-view so I hope I could find some people who preferable had experience with both frameworks.

I know itīs hard to find a winnner, but some con/pros from real developers would be of great value. The main functionality of the web application is edit/upate/delete operations and the like.

Well... let's start off with the fact that MS is NOT secure.  If security is an issue, 
then MS's record to date is very worrisome.  Yes, they've cleaned up their act a 
bit... however their problems are very deep in the fundamental way they do things.  
You can find some good discussions elsewhere.

Engineering would be next.  In general the J2EE world's core tends to be better 
engineered.  EJB being something of an exception, depending on who you talk to.  I've 
seen more discussions of best practices and patterns on J2EE lists then I have on .Net 
lists.  This may be more because I haven't chosen high quality lists.   This may also 
be due to the higher incidence of trained monkey's in the MS world then software 

Trained monkey's would be next.  MS seems to attract developers who don't have any true 
understanding of how things work.  I'm not sure why.  It might be because they've made it so 
point and click that no one really understands what's going on, and even if they did they might 
not be able to do anything about it.  I've seen far more "How do I show 1,000 items in a 
drop down list box?" type questions on MS lists then I have on Java lists.  THe few I have 
seen, have all come from MS developers.  MS has focused on providing cheap easy solutions, which 
is fine for the single computer model the has dominated so much of MS's history.  There are very 
few cheap and easy solutions when developing enterprise wide software.

Last, and to a large degree, the most important is choice.  I don't have to use Sun's 
VM.  I don't have to use implementation of the JSP/Servlet spec.  I don't have to use 
IBM's implementation either.  I'm not tied to a database (ODBC is _NOT_ what I would 
call good database independance) vendor.  I'm not tied to an OS Vendor, which means 
I'm not tied to a hardware platform.  You can't run .Net on Sun, or AS400's or any 
hardware other then Intel.  All of this means one thing... I can customize any Java 
based solution to fit any need.

Thanks in regards

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