Please help!

I have a class that extends the new
.  This class has two  methods, namely getCustomer and

The corresponding mapping for each method are below:
        <action path="/getCustomer"
 <forward name="success" path=".customerDef.jsp" />
        <action path="/updateCustomer"
name="cargoForm" scope="request" 
<forward name="success" path=".customerDef.jsp" />

my jsp has three buttons, namelygetCustomer,
updateCustomer and cancel.

The works with DispatchAction.  However, due to the
limitations of DispatchAction, I want to use the new
MappingDispatchAction class.

    <html:form action="/Customer">
        <%-- onsubmit="return validateCargoForm(this);"--%>
      <table width="500" border="0">
       other fields....
      <html:hidden property="methodToExecute"
      <SCRIPT>function set(target)
      <html:submit onclick="bCancel=true;
set('getCustomers')">Get Customer</html:submit>
      <html:submit onclick=             
"set('updateCustomer')">Update Customer</html:submit>

My question:
1.  In my JSP, what what should be the value of the
ACTION attribute of html:form
   i.e. <html:form action="??????????">  (i.e. which
mapping should be specified here)?

2.  what should the code of the button for excuting
 a. getCustomer and updateCustomer method be?
    i.e. <html:submit ???????????????

  b.  cancel be i.e. <html:cancel ???????????????

Thank you.

> You sure you have a form that has a "get customer"
> and an "update 
> customer" on the same page? That doesn't make too
> much sense. You sure 
> "get customer" doesn't just take you to another page
> where you choose a 
> customer to get? It sounds like you don't need to
> have a form to do what 
> you want but probably just want a button that goes
> to a url mapped to 
> your action. If they truly are buttons on a form
> then....
> MappingDispatchAction is horrible for this. You end
> up having to swap 
> out your action name with javascript which I don't
> like. Use any of the 
> other dispatch flavors instead of MappingDispatch
> action for multiple 
> buttons. Michael's SimpleDispatchAction handles this
> well or simply use 
> a regular DispatchAction and change the dispatch
> parameter name with 
> javascript. If you can't use javascript then use the
> SimpleDispatchAction over LookupDispatch action. I
> don't like the 
> LookupDispatchAction at all. For a dispatch action
> you could do 
> something similar to:
> <html:hidden property="dispatch">
> <html:submit
> <html:submit
> onclick="myForm.dispatch.value='get'">Get 
> Customer</html:submit>
> Michael's SimpleDispatchAction is much cleaner
> though for multiple 
> buttons on a page. You should give it a try.
> -- 
> Rick

Thanks for your response, in order to shed more light
on what I am trying to do, I have added the relevant
part of my current JSP code above.  The JSP code above
works with DispatchAction.  However, due to the
limitations of DispatchAction, I want to use the new
MappingDispatchAction class.  As I stated, my question
1.  In my JSP, what what should be the value of the
ACTION attribute of html:form
   i.e. <html:form action="??????????">  (i.e. which
mapping should be specified here)?

2.  what should the code of the button for excuting
 a. getCustomer and updateCustomer method be?
    i.e. <html:submit ???????????????

  b.  cancel be i.e. <html:cancel ???????????????

These are the parts of the jigsaw that I am missing.  

Thank you.


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