O. Oke wrote the following on 9/24/2004 6:22 AM:

I have a class that extends the new
.  This class has two  methods, namely getCustomer and

The corresponding mapping for each method are below:

<action path="/getCustomer"
name="cargoForm" scope="request" validate="false" input=".customerDef.jsp"
<forward name="success" path=".customerDef.jsp" />

<action path="/updateCustomer"
name="cargoForm" scope="request" validate="true" input=".customerDef.jsp" parameter="updateCustomer">
<forward name="success" path=".customerDef.jsp" />

my jsp has three buttons, namelygetCustomer,
updateCustomer and cancel.

The works with DispatchAction.  However, due to the
limitations of DispatchAction, I want to use the new
MappingDispatchAction class.

What are these limitations? For what you are trying to do the limitations are actually the other way around:)

<html:form action="/Customer">
<%-- onsubmit="return validateCargoForm(this);"--%>
<table width="500" border="0">
other fields....
................ <html:hidden property="methodToExecute"
value="unknownMethod"/> <SCRIPT>function set(target)
<html:submit onclick="bCancel=true;
set('getCustomers')">Get Customer</html:submit>
<html:submit onclick= "set('updateCustomer')">Update Customer</html:submit>

Your trying to use a MappingDispatchAction like a DispatchAction don't do this. Just use DispatchAction. So you make one Action "CustomerAction" and you can have one mapping <action path="/customerAction" ..>
and then you have the different dispatch methods inside. Simple.

If you want to use MappingDispatchAction then you'll have to use javascript to change the action name in your <html:form action="" section. I find that uglier than setting a dispatch parameter with javascript.

I guess you didn't look at the SimpleDispatchAction either?

-- Rick

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