oh no, it's Client side. My browser gives Javascript error saying "Object
does't support this property or method" on the submit line.
I am starting to wonder, bcuz I've used this kind of calls in other
non-struts apps so many times..or am making any obvious mistake on my JSP?

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:05 PM
To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

When you say it "blows up", do you mean your getting a CLIENT-SIDE error? 
I had assumed it was a server-side error.  Obviously an important
distinction :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, September 29, 2004 2:58 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:
> That alert line was commneted. Now, I moved it to the first line. It still
> blows up on
> document.forms[0].submit();
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 2:53 PM
> To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
> Subject: Re: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP
> One other thing: your diagostic alert message I think has to come BEFORE
> the submit() call... I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure that line
> will never be reached when you submit.  This might help in figuring out
> what's going on it nothing else.
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> http://www.omnytex.com
> On Wed, September 29, 2004 2:30 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:
>> Frank,
>> Thanks again. I ran around into another problem trying to implement this
>> delete functionality. My member details (single delete) screen actually
>> has
>> 3 buttons for Update, Delete, Cancel. On this JSP my default action is
>> /update in the form tag. But when I display my Delete button I am saying
>> onclick call a Javascript function and trying to submit the form to a
>> different action (i.e., /delete). Apparently, its not picking up the
>> action
>> and throwing a Webgroup not found error.
>> My JS function is
>> function callDelete()
>> {
>>      document.forms[0].action="/deleteRegistration.do";
>>      document.forms[0].action.submit();
>>      //alert("delete called");
>> }
>> and my jsp part is
>> <html:form action="/editRegistration"
>> onsubmit="validateRegistrationForm(this)">
>> .
>> so on..
>> .
>>      <html:submit property="submit">
>>      <bean:message key="button.update" />
>>      </html:submit>
>>      <html:submit onclick="javascipt:callDelete();">
>>      <bean:message key="button.delete" />
>>      </html:submit>
>> </html:form>
>> I've seen solutions saying adopt LookupDispatch Action and all, but I
>> think
>> it can be acheived using JS too. Just wondering if Struts allow this or
>> not.
>> Gnan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:59 PM
>> To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
>> Subject: RE: R: Detecting the previous JSP
>> Yes, I think two different mappings is not only a good idea, but is
>> required.  If we assume there's no way (aside from manually passing some
>> flag in with the request) of determining which JSP it came from (and I'm
>> almost completely certain that's the case), then the only way I believe
>> to
>> differentiate where the request came from is by looking at the mapping
>> that was called.  If you call the same mapping from both screens,
>> obviously you can't make that determination.  There's of course no
>> problem
>> with two different screens referencing the same mapping, but for your
>> purposes I think they do have to be different.
>> If you really do want to use the same mapping for whatever reason, you
>> could simply add a query string to your form submissions (or link
>> targets,
>> whichever your using).  That way it's slightly more obvious what your
>> doing.  For instance, you could have in your JSP's:
>> <a href="doDelete.do?srcJSP=page1">
>> and on the other:
>> <a href="doDelete.do?srcJSP=page2">
>> Then you can point your mapping to the same Action for both, and just
>> grab
>> the srcJSP parameter from the request, do your comparison and delegate
>> appropriately.  I'd personally have the two different mappings because
>> then if you need to change something later it's just a config file entry
>> rather than touching code (even if it is just a JSP).  On the other
>> hand,
>> doing it in the JSP like that means you can make the change without
>> restarting your app, which you'd have to do for the config file change
>> to
>> take effect... <sarcasm>Don't you just love when a simple question has
>> such a straight-forward answer?!?</sarcasm>
>> --
>> Frank W. Zammetti
>> Founder and Chief Software Architect
>> Omnytex Technologies
>> http://www.omnytex.com
>> On Wed, September 29, 2004 12:46 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:
>>> Ok. I totally agree with you. I like your idea better than
>>> DispatchAction
>>> bcuz first I am delegating my delete functionality to a facade based on
>>> the
>>> delete type and that runs only a couple lines of code. Making it
>>> Dispatch
>>> Action is a whole new ball game I think..
>>> So, but now in my config I have only one Action Mapping say "/delete"
>>> pointing to my DeleteAction class. I was under assumption that I could
>>> call
>>> the same mapping from both the single delete screen and multiple delete
>>> screen. Do you think it's a good idea to have another mapping pointing
>>> to
>>> the the same DeleteAction class for multiple deletes and then use your
>>> logic
>>> to determine the mapping although the action they both point to is the
>>> same.
>>> Thanks much.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:24 PM
>>> Subject: Re: R: Detecting the previous JSP
>>> Thanks for forwarding to the list.  There is a problem with the webmail
>>> interface I am forced to use from work, and my posts to the list get
>>> stuck
>>> in moderation, so I appreciate it!
>>> The DispatchAction might work, true enough, but to me it feels a little
>>> heavier than it needs to be...
>>> I am making the accumption that you have a single Action (I think you
>>> said
>>> that actually), but you have two different Action Mappings that point
>>> to
>>> it, one for the single delete and one for the multiple delete... It
>>> seems
>>> to me, assuming that is correct, that what I suggested might be easier.
>>> I
>>> personally prefer to see code in front of me when it's only a couple of
>>> lines, rather than having to look through a class hierarchy to find
>>> functionality in a parent class.
>>> With that in mind, just doing a quick IF based on the value of the path
>>> variable you get from my line of code, to me, feels more
>>> straight-forward.
>>> I guess what might make a different is what your Action really looks
>>> like... What I mean is, if it's just delegating to a bean to do the
>>> actual
>>> deletion, and maybe it delegates to one vs. another depending on
>>> whether
>>> it's a single or multiple delete, I would personally definitely go with
>>> my
>>> suggestion.  But, if you instead have all your functionality in the
>>> Action
>>> (ignoring for a moment whether that's a good idea or not in the first
>>> place!), and your going to switch between one code block or another,
>>> then
>>> the DispatchAction might actually yield a more elegant solution.
>>> --
>>> Frank W. Zammetti
>>> Founder and Chief Software Architect
>>> Omnytex Technologies
>>> http://www.omnytex.com
>>> On Wed, September 29, 2004 12:05 pm, Amleto Di Salle said:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As i wrote before may be the solution is to use DispatchAction.
>>>> BR
>>>> /Amleto
>>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>>> Da: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Inviato: mercoledì 29 settembre 2004 18.00
>>>> Oggetto: RE: Detecting the previous JSP
>>>> Frank,
>>>> Thanks for your input. Thought I'd forward this back to the mailing
>>>> list
>>>> so that others can view..
>>>> Coming back to my problem. I would call the same action from two
>>>> screens
>>>> because, they both are delete functionality. It's just I need to
>>>> determine in my deleteAction class if its a multiple delete or a
>>>> single
>>>> delete based on where I am coming from. Any ideas?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:25 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: Detecting the previous JSP
>>>> I seem to be having trouble posting to the mailing list, so I thought
>>>> I'd send this directly to you...
>>>> I'm not sure you can tell what JSP you came from without passing some
>>>> hidden variable, but what you CAN do, wich might be just as good, is
>>>> determine what mapping was executed...
>>>> In your Action's execute() method, use:
>>>> String path = mapping.getPath();
>>>> This will be something like "/deleteUser" if your Action Mapping was
>>>> "/deleteUser.do" for instance.  Assuming you aren't calling the same
>>>> mapping from both places, this might give you what you need.
>>>> --
>>>> Frank W. Zammetti
>>>> Founder and Chief Software Architect
>>>> Omnytex Technologies
>>>> http://www.omnytex.com
>>>> On Wed, September 29, 2004 11:02 am, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> Is there any way in Struts I could determine dynamically what
>>>>> JSP/screen/action am coming from when I am in a certain screen. I
>>>>> have
>>>>> a scenario where I can delete users from a result list page or a
>>>>> member details page. I want to use one action to do both. But to code
>>>>> my action easier I want to determine what page I am invoking the
>>>>> delete action. Is there anything inbuilt in Struts to determine that?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Gnan

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