Gnan, can you post the HTML that is generated by this? I.e., what you see when you do View Source in your browser... I have a hunch what's going on, but I need to see that to be sure...

Shabada, Gnaneshwer wrote:

I am posting again so that someone can shed some light on this..

I am trying to submit an action from a button thru a Javascript function.

My Javascript code is :

function callDelete()
        document.forms[0].submit(); ----> JS error

My JSP code is something like this:

<html:form action="/editRegistration"
 so on..
<html:submit property="submit">
<bean:message key="button.update" />
<html:submit onclick="javascipt:callDelete();">
<bean:message key="button.delete" />

When I click the UPDATE button, the default "/editRegistration" action is
called. But when I click the Delete button I want to submit the
"/deleteRegistration" thru JS function. I don't know why but I am getting
this browser Javascript error saying "Object doesn't support this property
or method" on the submit line (shown above). Am I doing anything wrong? Does
struts html form support javascript action submission. Is there any other
way to do this?

Please help

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