Found the problem!

Note that you have a submit button with the NAME "submit"... This is confusing the 
call to the submit() method in your JS function.  Change the name of the button to 
submit1 or something and it'll work.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Thu, September 30, 2004 10:54 am, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:
> Oops, I sent it as an attachment. I guess the mailing list doesn't take
> it.
> Anyways, below is the rendered html code from my JSP. When I click the
> DELETE button, the JS error comes on line 38 i.e, as marked below..Let me
> know if you find anything
> Thanks for your help
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> <html>
> <head>
> <base href="http://localhost:9080/registration/editregister.jsp";>
> <meta name="owner" content="">
> <meta name="description" content="short description of page">
> <meta name="keywords" content="put keywords here">
> <meta name="review" content="MMDDYYYY">
> <meta name="security" content="public or protected">
> <!-- EDITOR USED -->
> <meta name="GENERATOR"
>       content="IBM WebSphere Page Designer V4.0 for Windows">
> <!-- STYLE SHEETS -->
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
> <link href="/registration/theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet"
>       type="text/css">
> <link href="/registration/theme/netscape.css" rel="stylesheet"
>       type="text/css">
> <link href="/registration/theme/ie.css" rel="stylesheet"
>       type="text/css">
> <style type="text/css"></style>
> <!-- BEGIN MAIN -->
> <title>Member Registration</title>
> <SCRIPT language="Javascript">
> function callDelete()
> {
>       alert("Let's delete");
>       document.forms[0].action="/deleteRegistration";
>       alert("Let's delete again");
>       document.forms[0].submit();
> --------------------------------------------------------> ERROR RIGHT HERE
> }
> </head>
> <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"
>       height="100">
>       <col span="1" width="39">
>       <tbody>
>               <tr>
>                       <td width="148" height="38"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="38" width="148"
> border="0"></td>
>                       <td bgcolor="#999999" width="39" height="38"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="1" width="39" border="0"></td>
>                       <td bgcolor="#999999" height="38" colspan="2">
>                       <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
> bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"
>                               border="0">
>                               <tbody>
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td align="center"
> class="site-title">Member Registration</td>
>                                               <!--<TD align="right"><img
> src="/registration/images/ibm_logo_sm_fff.gif" height="15" width="44"
> border="0"></TD>-->
>                                       </tr>
>                               </tbody>
>                       </table>
>                       </td>
>                       <td rowspan="4" bgcolor="#999999"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="1" width="10" border="0"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="1" width="1" border="0"></td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                       <td height="33" rowspan="2"></td>
>                       <td rowspan="4" width="39"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="1" width="39" border="0"></td>
>                       <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                       <td colspan="2" height="1"
> background="/registration/images/back_dots_66f.gif"></td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                       <td rowspan="2" valign="top" height="650"
> bgcolor="#6666ff"><img src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="1"
> width="1" border="0"></td>
>                       <td rowspan="2" colspan="2" valign="top">
>                       <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0"
> cellspacing="0">
>                               <tbody>
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td><!-- BEGIN OPTIONAL
>                                               <td rowspan="7"
> width="10"><img src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="10" width="10"
> border="0"></td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       <!-- BEGIN PRIMARY CONTENT -->
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td
> class="head">Register</td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       <!--
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td><font color="#ff0000">
> <br>
>                                                </font></td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       -->
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td class="subhead">Please
> update the following form:</td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td><img
> src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif" height="15" width="15" border="0">
> =
> a required field</td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td valign="top"><form
> name="registrationForm" method="post"
> action="/registration/"
> onsubmit="validateRegistrationForm(this)">
>                                                       <table border="0"
> width="100%">
>                                                               <tbody>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375">&nbsp;</td>
> <td>&nbsp;</td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td colspan="2" class="subhead">Please supply a Member ID and
> Password. Memeber ID must be 6-20 characters long, and can
> contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. Passwords must
> be 6-10 characters long and can contain only letters and
> numbers.</td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Member ID:</td>
> <input type="hidden" name="memberId" value="1750">1750
> <input type="hidden" name="memberName" value="adedokun">adedokun
> <input type="hidden" name="birthDate" value="">
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Password:</td>
> <td><input type="password" name="password" maxlength="10" size="10"
> value="welc0me"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">(Repeat) Password:</td>
> <td><input type="password" name="password" maxlength="10" size="10"
> value="welc0me"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Access level:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="accessLevel" maxlength="1" size="1"
> value=""></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Title</td>
> <td><select name="title" size="1"><option value="MR">MR</option>
> <option value="MRS">MRS</option>
> <option value="MS">MS</option>
> <option value="DR">DR</option>
> <option value="PROF">PROF</option>
> <option value="CHIEF">CHIEF</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">First name:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="firstName" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value="BISI"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Last name:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="lastName" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value="ADEDOKUN"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Middle name:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="middleName" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value=""></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Nick name:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="nickName" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value=""></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Sex</td>
> <td><select name="sex" size="1"><option value="M"
> selected="selected">MALE</option>
> <option value="F">FEMALE</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Address:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="streetName1" maxlength="40" size="30"
> value="56
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"></td>
> <td><input type="text" name="streetName2" maxlength="40" size="30"
> value=""></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">City:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="city" maxlength="30" size="25" value="EAST
> BRUNSWICK"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">State:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="state" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value="NJ"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif" height="15"
> width="15" border="0">Zip code:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="zipCode" maxlength="10" size="10"
> value="08816"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif" height="15"
> width="15" border="0">Phone:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="phone" maxlength="15" size="15"
> value="732-651-7610"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td align="right">Mobile phone:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="mobilePhone" maxlength="15" size="15"
> value="732-651-7610"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td align="right">Fax:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="fax" maxlength="15" size="15"
> value="732-651-7607"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Email:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="30" size="30"
> value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Occupation:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="occupation" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value="PROGRAMMER"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Admission year:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="admissionYear" maxlength="4" size="4"
> value="1979"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Graduation year:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="graduationYear" maxlength="4" size="4"
> value="1981"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"><img src="/registration/images/asterisk.gif"
> height="15" width="15" border="0">Region</td>
> <td><select name="region" size="1"><option value="NE"
> selected="selected">NORTH EAST</option>
> <option value="NW">NORTH WEST</option>
> <option value="MA">MID ATLANTIC</option>
> <option value="SE">SOUTH EAST</option>
> <option value="SW">SOUTH WEST</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">National executive officer?</td>
> <td><select name="nationalExecutive" size="1"><option value="N"
> selected="selected">N</option>
> <option value="Y">Y</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Executive office name</td>
> <td><select name="executiveOffice" size="1"><option
> value="PRESIDENT">PRESIDENT</option>
> <option value="VICE PRESIDENT">VICE PRESIDENT</option>
> SECRETARY</option>
> <option value="TREASURER">TREASURER</option>
> OFFICER</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Regional executive officer?</td>
> <td><select name="regionalExecutive" size="1"><option value="N"
> selected="selected">N</option>
> <option value="Y">Y</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Regional office name:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="regionalOffice" maxlength="20" size="20"
> value=""></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Status</td>
> <td><select name="status" size="1"><option value="A"
> selected="selected">ACTIVE</option>
> <option value="N">NOT ACTIVE</option></select></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right">Notes:</td>
> <td><input type="text" name="notes" maxlength="100" size="40"
> value=""></td>
> </tr>
>                                                                       <tr>
> <td width="375" align="right"></td>
> <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update">
> <input type="button" name="Delete" value="Delete"
> onclick="javascipt:callDelete();">
> <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset">
> <input type="submit" name="Cancel" value="Cancel"
> onclick="bCancel=true;"></td>
> </tr>
>                                                               </tbody>
>                                                       </table>
>                                               </form>
> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
>   <!--
>   var focusControl =
> document.forms["registrationForm"].elements["firstName"];
>   if (focusControl.type != "hidden" && !focusControl.disabled) {
>      focusControl.focus();
>   }
>   // -->
> </script>
> </td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       <tr>
>                                               <td height="25"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="25" width="1" border="0"></td>
>                                       </tr>
>                               </tbody>
>                       </table>
>                       </td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                       <td bgcolor="#999999"><img
> src="/registration/images/odot.gif" height="700" width="10"
> border="0"></td>
>               </tr>
>       </tbody>
> </table>
> </body>
> </html>
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