> That would actually 
> fulfill the goals I had.  Would you find that difficult to manage?

No, surely not :-) I we were misunderstanding each other; actually you wrote
" I'm not sure about introducing a whole new collection of objects, and
management components to go along with it."
And I just replied, that I wouldn't like it either, but ist also unnecessary
with my approach. 
However, I think we are d'accord here, and your config file extensions 
wouldn't add any managing effort, so they would be ok for me. 

> The one thing your suggestion has over this is the dynamic 
> nature of the configuration.  That would be nice indeed :)  
> However, since Struts configuration information is frozen 
> anyway, I'm not sure it would be a big deal.

The struts configuration is frozen indeed (even I know some guys who reload
it in running
webapp, to take advantage of resin's class-reloading features during
development), but the 
underlying ressources aren't. If I have to populate a drop-down or
something, ok, I probably
have no need to change it. I give you another example, we have 4 different
payment providers,
we are working with. Sometimes they have maintenance, sometime they are just
buggy, however, 
it happens twice a month, that i need to take one of them from the page. All
I do is edit the 
configuration for payment and one minute later it disappears. 
I think there are more useful examples for reloading config thinkable.

> This would just be added to ActionMapping, so it's a fairly 
> simple and straight-forward change.  Then just a modification 
> of RequestProcessor and we should be all set.

This is true, it would fit into the current flow, as far as I know it.

> init() method.  This would allow them to maybe get all the 
> data they would need at the start, instead of having to do it 
> with each call to a setup method.  So, just like Actions, 
> they would be shared.  The down-side to this is that, like 
> Actions again, they would have to be thread-safe.  People 
> might be tempted to call init() themselves to update the 
> data, but that would be a Bad Thing(tm).  

I think "people" shouldn't have a chance to get to the "setup objects". They
be instantiated by the "instantiator" only, be it request processor, or what
If "people" instantiate them later, they would be context-less, already
used, and do no harm (pick one:-)) 

> What do you think of this approach?  I realize it doesn't 
> have all the benefits of your idea, but I frankly think it 
> would be easier to potentially get some traction with as far 
> as getting added to Struts goes simply because it's not that 
> big a change to Struts itself, not that big an addition.  
> But, I think it would open up a world of flexibility for 
> people.  Thoughts? :)

Actually I think both approaches could be well combined too. 

Your idea has the benefit of actually 
knowing which action uses which configuration. Since the people who develop
an application and 
people who deploy it aren't always the same, having one place to look is a
manageability advantage.

What I actually don't like, is having setup classes. I think it's a bit too
powerful for a simple action, and it looks ugly :-) 

The combination could be, that there is a ConfigurableAction you can extend,
which communicates with the 
configuration framework, so you don't need to do it yourself, which gets
it's configuration "name" from
the mappings and provides some methods which  
a) can be overwritten do to the not-that-trivial-stuff 
b) are able to do the "standard" stuff theirself, like instantiating
something and put it in the application scope.

What do you think?


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