Vic writes:

> :snip:
> The point is... I use ArrayList of Maps now for my DTO,VO and ever as a
> message object for WS/SOA.
> Wherever I used to use a bean, now I use a collection, and I like
> DynaMaps.
> maybe one day you guys catch up;-)

I think I'm buying what you say in a big kinda way. I've been there already
I think, but forcing myself to use the DynaBean route and if you've read my
posts here, you know I'm frustrated. I've been coming to your conclusion,
and I'd love to hear more from you offline if you don't mind.

I disagree vehemently that the idea of Maps in the Domain Model is a bad
design. I worked for years in an architecture that eschewed many OO concepts
as creating more work than they saved. 

Its universe was something like this-

A Database contains a map of Table Objects
A Table object contains an array list of Record Objects.
A Record object contains a map of Field Objects.

Done properly, something like this could be infinitely reusable no matter
what the application. 

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