Okay, Michael.  If this is what you like, good luck.  I am stopping
the conversation from my side if it is staying at this level.

On 5/23/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > JSPs "fetch" data indeed is putting application logic in the JSPs.
> > > This does not give you flexibility.  Quite the opposite, it ties your
> > > model and you view down by coupling them.  Rather than give you
> > > flexibility it hamstrings you.
> So what? These two will always be related unless you use simple
> meaningless DTOs with no relation to business objects. I personally do
> not use this type of DTO, I prefer to use real business objects in the
> view. I don't care that it ties view to the model. But at least I get
> readable, understandable code and I get business rules. Oh, right, I
> use business objects for input too, in this example they are used
> solely for output... But Laurie said, that it is not a real business
> object, it is just a "view object", so view is actually not tied that
> tight to the model.
> > Consider a comercial
> > product implemented on Struts and JSPs. You build the product and ship
> > it to customers. You don't ship the source code -- that's proprietary --
> > but you do ship the JSPs and you want the customers to be able to
> > locally customize the application.
> You do realize, that JSP _is_ a part of app source code, do you? And
> the more you put into JSP, the more this supposedly dumb JSP page will
> look like "real code"? If you ship without source code, you'd rather
> precompile the JSPs.
> Now, to your problem. I will try to think right while I am typing.
> First of all, I haven't actually used dynaforms, so no advices here.
> Now, you want your input to go to action form? Why? Apparently,
> because you want Struts to parse request data, and to perform
> automatic validation. OK. So you need to associate form bean with
> every incoming request, but you do not want to redefine form beans,
> hence dynaform.
> Struts uses getters and setters to put values into the form (at least
> if it is not a dynamic form), so you can use getters and setters to
> direct where the data goes... I am not sure how do you do this with
> dynabean, but with regular bean you would have your getter pulling
> data from your view object, and the setter storing data in the form
> field. Then, after validation, you would type-convert and copy values
> from form fields to your view object.
> Or... you can still pull data from your view object and display values
> using bean:write. But the tags themselves will have "property"
> pointing to the form bean. I am not sure how this will work, but if
> you were able to print values from view object, and submit them to the
> form bean, then you'd just copy them to view object, and _then_
> validate them. Then, if needed, you would redisplay data again from
> the view object, which contains updated data (possibly incorrect, but
> who cares, this view object is a _copy_ of a real object anyway,
> right?). In this case you do not need getters in the form bean.
> Because there are no getters, this "pull from view object, submit to
> action form" might work. I have not really tried it.
> Michael.
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