Ok... I probably can't be of too much help then... I've never used Velocity.

One thing to try though... change your forwards to go to a test JSP... if you get to it, then the problem is in the Velocity side of things (or the forward to the Velocity templates). At least you'll narrow down your focus a bit.


Paul Goepfert wrote:
I am forwarding to a web page. The .vm file extension is mapped to org.apache.velocity.tools.view.servlet.VelocityViewServlet. I am using Apache Velocity for my Web page design. Should I be forwarding to Actions?

My intention is to go to a Velocity page rather then an html or JSP.

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

What are you forwarding to in this mapping Paul? Is .vm the extension your application uses to map to ActionServlet, in which case you are forwarding to Actions? Or is it something else?

Most commonly, the forwards go to JSPs (although not necessarily).

You are correct in your thinking with regard to what Martin said... there are no special meaning forward names that I am aware of, you can name your forwards whatever you wish. Success and Failure are two very common names however.

Is your intention to go to a JSP when you return a given forward from your Action? If so, I suspect that is what is wrong... change the paths on the forwards... if your intention is something else, please explain so we can try and help :)


Paul Goepfert wrote:

Ok, here is the problem. When I load up my web app the page loads fine. When I try to advance to another web page in my web app all I get is a blank screen. For every page I have a form.java and an action.java file so I can move through the web app. Here is part of my struts-config file that handles the actions.

<action path="/Menu"
          <forward name="enterInfo"
                   path="/info.vm" />
          <forward name="default"
                   path="/results.vm" />
          <forward name="sort"
                   path="/sort.vm" />

In the form.java files I have getters and setters for the information I pass through the address bar. In the action.java files I have method calls to my logic for the program as well as forwards for the next page I wannt to go to.

If anyone can help me out that would be great. If more information is needed let me know.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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