Pardon my intrusion,
I just came home from a job trip, and saw more than 100 messages about
struts vs .net, and I was not able to read all the messages.

I just want to tell my opinion on this topic:

I use both Struts and .NET for my job.. Well.. Stuts for my opensource
development and .NET for my "real" payed job.

I've always worked on MS for job, and Java for pleasure, and in the last
years, with the arrival of .NET I changed a lot my ideas about MS.

VB6 was bad, ugly programming language I've ever seen, while Java was a
nice OO programming language, every university student will be happy to
use since it's all he studied...

Now .NET and C# closed the gap: MS has a easy to use OO programming
language (VC++ was very complex to use), it has ASP.NET with are quite
similar to JSF.

For my point of view the differences between the 2 platforms are nil...
(ok, one has that, the other has something else, but generally speaking
they are the same)

The only thing that, IMHO, .NET has is Visual Studio, while Java have
Eclipse, NetBeans...

VS is the best IDE I've ever seen, and VS2005 will be even better, with
testing, code coverage, integrated webserver and design tools. And all
out of the box.

While setting up Eclipse, to debug Struts application with Apache Tomcat
is a pain...
And think about the desktop applications: no visual designer for Java
can generate a nice code for the buttons and panels of the GUI. (unless
it use it's own GUI api like jBuilder or Eclipse)

And speaking about performances...
Generally speaking, in my experience, struts/java based web applications
tend to use much more CPU and memory than .NET ones.

Hope I didn't said something already said before...

Best regards

Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
"Life is short, play hard"

> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Gregory Seidman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Inviato: domenica 3 luglio 2005 16.10
> A:
> Oggetto: Re: Struts vs .NET???
> On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 07:56:23PM -0700, netsql wrote:
> [...]
> } And now this is realy going to piss you off: You can do 
> Apache Struts 
> } MVC in C#:
> } 

See, now *that's* a cool idea. I'm afraid the straight code isn't of
much use to me without some examples of how it integrates with ASP.NET,
but if it can integrate as well as it does with JSP, that would be
excellent. Note that I haven't been claiming that struts is dead, nor
that it should be; I have only been encouraging people to take a look at
what the competition is doing better right now. From that perspective,
this can't possibly piss me off. It's actually quite exciting.

} .V

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