Simone - Dev wrote:

For my point of view the differences between the 2 platforms are nil...
(ok, one has that, the other has something else, but generally speaking
they are the same)


While setting up Eclipse, to debug Struts application with Apache Tomcat
is a pain...

-1. It just not well documented:
Set up tomcat app.xml to point to where you eclipse hosts WEB-INF. Done!
Then use tomcat managment app to rest. This is old news.

And think about the desktop applications: no visual designer for Java
can generate a nice code for the buttons and panels of the GUI. (unless
it use it's own GUI api like jBuilder or Eclipse)

You can use VS '05 "painter" for *simple UI ONLY* imo. Else we'd be using NetBeans for Swing and JSF Studio.
Struts has them:
Swing has them:
Google is your friend.

Do you yealy think people on level of Craig, Husted, Clinton, Linus, Marti C, etc. use painters? Or that you are not productive? Guns don't kill. People kill. Tools don't matter. A good developer is key, and you are not going to get one at $10.

Here is a feel good:

Do you see how *LITTLE* trafic "they" get? :-)
That tells me something.


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