> > 3.  PHP.  I've done some PHP over the last couple years.
> PHP and Struts are not antithetical. There have been several ports of
> Struts to PHP, as well as Struts-like frameworks, such as Maverick and
> FuseBox.
> I'm not working in PHP myself, but if I were, you can bet I'd be
> porting both Struts and iBATIS.
> What we call Struts is not about Java, it's about an architecture that
> pushes logic away from server pages and into a control layer that we
> can configure via XML.
> -Ted.

That is all true, but you'll find most php sites dont use anything that
complicated.  And if they did, hosting would be more expensive.  e.g. phpBB
is banned from most cheap shared hosting - it puts too much strain on
php/mysql in a high volume server.

Also, java has been engineered to push things into layers.  Php has not.
Also, java is OO.  Php is not (or is, but badly!).  I wrote an OO system a
few years back in php, and it was a nightmare.  The most annoying thing is
that assignment/method parameters clones objects - it doesn't reference it.
You can get round that by adding & in the right places. Only one nice OO
thing is the serialize funtion.

So i would say that things like iBatis and struts fit nicely into the java
world.  Give php-struts to the average php developer (i know lots of them)
and theyd smile, and politely tell you where you can stick it.


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