On 11/11/05, Mike Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know there are some leading edge JSF and Shale gurus who monitor this
> list. I have a basic
> question: Can rich web application interfaces be created in JSF?

Sure it can. CSS based or AJAX based, or whatever you want.

But the key issue that you are raising is the design of the *components*
being used, not the architecture of the server side APIs. Just as an
example, the component set that comes with Creator 2 (
http://developer.sun.com/jscreator) is all theme sensitive, with the look
and feel driven primarily by CSS stylesheets. This was accomplished by
having the renderers emit a standard CSS style class name, without the
developer having to do anything special. You select which theme to use by
selecting one of the available theme jars, and you're done.

The main promise of a common API for building components is that folks would
start creating rich component libraries to the same API, so we (as app
developers) can choose components that meet our requirements, from more than
one source. That is already starting to happen, thanks to the fact that some
(smart :-) component developers are indeed adopting JSF, and migrating their
existing component models to support the new API as well.


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