On 11/11/05, Mike Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know the concept is that JSF components can be "rendered" for different 
> viewing devices;
> however, I'm not sure the creators of JSF really thought through the process 
> of how most web
> applications are created.  I think the usual case is that a mock up of the 
> web interface is
> created by marketing execs and web designers

Who creates mockups for desktop app? For Windows, MacOS or Linux? Why
do you think things should be different for browser-based apps? Only
because webapps [still] use HTML and HTML is used by "web designers"?

>, then that mock up is "wired" by software engineers
> (in our case we use Struts for the wiring).  CSS design is very advanced (see:
> http://www.csszengarden.com/).  It is unrealistic to think companies are 
> going to retrain their
> web designers on a new technology that is less capable then the one they are 
> currently using.

Why an accounting app should look like an exercise in computer art?


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