Perhaps its time to table all the "I apologize", "has struts reached its limits", "are the rules for becoming a committer fair" etc threads to bed for while. I honestly suspect most of you have reached the point where you're yelling at each other not talking to each other, so perhaps letting it all simmer for a month or so might be productive. At the risk of starting a new flame-fest I don't think whatever (if anything) ails Struts is likely to be terminal in the next 4 weeks.
Henri Yandell wrote:

On 3/27/06, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lighten up. I wrote it. It was supposed to be joke to bring levity to an
incredibly annoying situation. If I wrote actually trying to be you and
truly impersonate you, that would be a different matter. If I wanted to
really spoof being you I wouldn't have made it such an obvious joke. I would
have instead just posted something like "Why don't you guys debate me. Are
you scared?"  The yahoo email was pretty apparent that it was a spoof
(sheesh, unless you really do have that much trouble with the ladies and
dudes stealing your lunch money?).

Not a very impressive joke. This was a major breach of manners 10
years ago, and it still is today.


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