Michael Jouravlev wrote:
On 3/29/06, Graham Reeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Think of it this way: Would you prefer Struts 2.0 to be written from
scratch looking much like WebWork but with all the usual teething
problems/bugs or have the WebWork and Struts merge, gaining a larger
user-developer base (though you may lose some) and miss a lot of the
teething problems?

I'm surprised, Michael. I would have thought the incisive question you pose below would be taboo, and that, as such, I might be the only person to ever ask something like that. Darned good question in any case...

If Struts project was simply terminated and users were directed to
OpenSymphony, how this would be different for an average user?

It wouldn't be substantially different AFAICS. It would have one clear advantage over the current situation though. The Webwork people could have been simply improving Webwork for the last so many months instead of getting bogged down with ASF stuff -- incubation, getting "mentored" in the "Apache Way" and so on.

It seems reasonable to suppose that they would have moved forward significantly more than they did over that time period and Webwork would be better now than it is.

The other advantage of the scenario you propose is that there wouild be complete clarity about what is going on. The current situation is extremely confused. Also, it seems that you still have new users starting off doing things on top of Struts 1.x, which, you have to think they wouldn't be doing if they fully understood what was going on.

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project, http://freemarker.org/
FreeMarker group blog, http://freemarker.blogspot.com/

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