I've done this with the latest nightly build and posted it as a
separate distribution.

* http://people.apache.org/builds/struts/2.0.x/nightly/

All that we are doing is running the J5 JARs through RetroTranslator.
Other projects have been using this tool successful. Note I have not
tested the nightly JAR myself, but it's there if you would like to
take it for a spin.

Actually, what we might want to do is to continue to offer the J4 JARs
as an extra download. After all, there  is no reason why someone using
native J5 should use a modified JAR, and it might help isolate any
problems we have backporting the JARs.

If you have a chance, give the J4 JAR a try, and let us know how it
works for you.

Meanwhile, there should be more s1/s2 migration materials available by
the end of the month, as I'm preparing for a course and a tutorial at


On 8/1/06, apka2109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  1.  When should we expect a Beta of Struts 2 and will it support jdk 1.4?
  2.  When should we expect nightly builds with support for jdk 1.4?

This is important for us, as we are deciding technology for next version
of our project and we have been using struts 1x till now.

Thanks in advance.

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