Chris Pat wrote:
Is it possible to have an Action that processes some data and then posts to a 
url completely out of control of the framework?  I want to process and write to 
a db first and then using the same parameters and any added session variables 
post to a php script, initially running on localhost but eventually on a 
completely different url.  Can someone help me understand how or why not.  I 
really need to do it even if it is not to the spec.  Thank you.

Post to? Sure, you can create an HTTP POST request to any URL. But I suspect that's not quite what you mean. If you mean /forward/ to, as in dispatch to, a PHP script, it's not so straight forward.

I seem to recall seeing mention on this list in the past of some sort of Java-PHP bridge, which may be what you're looking for. Search the archives (or Google) for 'Java PHP bridge' and see if that turns anything useful up. Alternatively, re-post with clarification of exactly what you want to achieve; maybe someone will be able to give a more specific solution.


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