Hi Kelly,

In struts.xml, the namespace given to your package needs be in /protected as well.
eg. <package name="myPackage" namespace="/protected">
Otherwise, as you've seen, it's available in the root of the application's context path.

I usually split my struts2 application into at least two packages:
<package name="public" namespace="/"> ...
<package name="secure" namespace="/protected">

Which then allows you to apply your container-managed security where necessary.

I would add a login action to the public namespace which prepares a login page. Unfortunately I don't think the container will allow you to specify "/login.action" as the login page though, but you can make login.jsp redirect to it.

Hope that helps,
Jeromy Evans

Kelly Graus wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I'm attempting to secure my first Struts 2 web app using container security with a DataSourceRealm. I'm using Tomcat 6 as my container. Here is how my project is setup:

      *JSP pages*

Without using struts, this works perfectly. Any attempt to access anything under the protected area results in a redirect to the login page, and from there all of the database stuff works fine. However, when I added in struts, I am now able to bypass the security by specifying an action directly.

For example, navigating to http://localhost:8080/LicensingAdministration/CreateProduct.action will bypass the login page and go directly to the CreateProduct action. However, navigating to http://localhost:8080/LicensingAdministration/protected/CreateProduct.action will perform a redirect to the login (as expected).

Any suggestions on how to secure the actions so that the login cannot be bypassed would be greatly appreciated! Below are the relevant parts of my web.xml and context.xml files (I can post the full files if necessary, but they contain a lot of resource definitions that aren't related to the problem).

Also, in an slightly unrelated question, is is possible to use struts tags in the login page? I was trying to use an s:url tag to specify the location of the css. When redirected to the login page, the server threw an exception and I got an error message stating the the Struts dispatcher cannot be found.







 <!-- Security Constraints -->
     <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
   <realm-name>Licensing Administration</realm-name>


<Resource name="jdbc/UsersDS" auth="Container"
               <!-- Security Realm -->
     <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"
          dataSourceName="jdbc/UsersDS" localDataSource="true"
userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
          userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name"/>

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