Jeromy Evans <jeromy.evans <at>> writes:

> Hi Kelly,
> In struts.xml, the namespace given to your package needs be in 
> /protected as well.
> eg. <package name="myPackage" namespace="/protected">
> Otherwise, as you've seen, it's available in the root of the 
> application's context path.
> I usually split my struts2 application into at least two packages:
> <package name="public" namespace="/"> ...
> <package name="secure" namespace="/protected">
> Which then allows you to apply your container-managed security where 
> necessary.

Thank you very much.  This worked perfectly!

> I would add a login action to the public namespace which prepares a 
> login page.  Unfortunately I don't think the container will allow you to 
> specify "/login.action" as the login page though, but you can make 
> login.jsp redirect to it.

According to Practical Apache Struts 2, this should be able to be an action.  
However, I'm having difficulty getting this to work.  I keep getting a 404 
requested resource not found for the logon action.  I'll keep working on it, 
if any one has any ideas it would be great.

> Hope that helps,
> regards,
>  Jeromy Evans

Thanks again!


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