Yes, you can, though I don't really thing it's the right way to go.
Basically you use the body content of the <s:set> tag to set the variable to
the value of a scriplet expression like so:

<s:set value="fred"><%= myVar%></s:set>

Again, there are much better ways of coding modern web applications that
resorting to scriplets and I would certainly take the time to eradicate all
scriplets from your code as soon as you can, you will be happy you did.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Qunhuan Mei <> wrote:

> Hello David and Chris,
> Thank you two very much indeed for your help.
> I have tried <s:set> tag with different scope and seems I can set a
> parameter to any value I want, but I can’t set it to the value/variable
> from
> jsp’s java code block, so I suppose <s:set> may not be applicable to my
> requirement. (or I must done something wrong somewhere!? Sorry I might not
> have presented the use case clearly in the first place)
> I’ll check the JSTL approach later – I suppose I should use its <set> tag
> (to a page scoped attribte?).
> Cheers,
> Qunhuan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Hi,
> Sorry for my ignorance but could some one tell me how to access java code
> block's variable in jsp page. See the sample code below (say, from
> test.jsp)
> ...
> <%
>        boolean goAhead = true;
>        int counter = 0;
>        ...
> %>
>        <s:if test="goAhead">
>                ... <!-- go a head and do something -->
>        </s:if>
>        <s:if test="counter>0">
>                ... <!-- go a head and do something -->
>        </s:if>
> ...
> The reference of goAhead and counter within Struts' if tag is wrong. What
> should be the correct way to reference variable from java code block in
> this
> scenario?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Qunhuan
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