Nick, that would be a good think to do: changing Ignore to Warn otherwise
newcomers will have no clue why this isn't working.

Another question to the team regarding this topic.

I see JARs under solr\contrib\morphlines-cell\lib\ and
solr\contrib\morphlines-core\lib\  The ones under "morphlines-cell" there
are 2 files with "tika" as their name.  My question is, do I need those for
general Tika usage?  The README.txt clearly states "*Experimental*" but
doesn't say if I need them to use Tika.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Nick Burch <> wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Feb 2016, Uwe Schindler wrote:
>> The reason for this behaviour is part of TIKA: If a parser cannot load
>> because of classes it refers to are missing, it is automatically disabled.
>> Because you missed the actual PDF/Powerpoint/… classes, this is what
>> happens for all those parsers.
> I wonder if it might be worth SOLR changing their default Tika config from
> Ignore to Warn, so that SOLR users (who probably aren't as clued up on how
> it all works as the average Tika user) will get to find out more quickly
> that they've missed something?
> Nick

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