On 05/05/2011 09:30 PM, Jörn Kottmann wrote:
On 5/5/11 6:09 PM, Jens Grivolla wrote:
On 05/05/2011 03:04 PM, Jörn Kottmann wrote:
On 5/5/11 2:41 PM, Jens Grivolla wrote:
At least on my system (Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu 10.10) the Shift+Enter
shortcut does not work, and will be treated as an unmodified Enter,
i.e. no selection list appears. I haven't tried yet on other systems
because I need to install the updated plugins first.

Ok, I will investigate that. But then this was not the system where you
experienced the hang issue in the 2.3.1 version?

As you said, the freeze was due to the shortcut creation when the type
system is too big, and it ocurred on all machines.

I sometimes have to press return twice to get a "quick annotation",
too, and on a different machine (Eclipse Helios on Windows XP) it
worked even less, to the point that I had to use the context menu.

I opened a jira for the short cut issue and fixed it, would be nice if
you could
test. I believe the issue is related to a recently defined command and
key binding in the
plugin.xml. I also now did this for the quick type selection dialog
short cut.

Here is the jira:

Shift+Enter now seems to work reliably. Plain Enter works when I select a word via double click, but has problems when I select a text span (on my Linux machine). Shift+Enter works in that case, and plain Enter works after pressing Shift+Enter or just pressing any other key, eg. Shift or Ctrl.

On that machine the "edit view" was having problems, too, and I
usually had to click on the feature name before being able to activate
the feature value field. I haven't tried Shift+Enter on that machine.

Did you run the current trunk on that machine? If so would be nice if
you can give me further details
about the edit view issues. What type had the feature you clicked on?
Are there exceptions in the error log?

Yes, that was running trunk with yesterday morning's fixes. Unfortunately, I don't have access to that machine anymore and can't give you any more details at this point. We do have some other Windows machines though, and I will look if I find anything in the error logs both on Linux and Windows.

[..] Which brings me to another thing that
would be interesting for us: having preset feature values filled in
automatically. We would be using that to automatically fill in the
annotator's name on all annotations created by them.

This you can easily do when you pre-process the files you pass to the
annoator, or post-process when he gives them back.

I've been thinking about that option. It would be quite easy at the
document level, but becomes a bit more complicated when each
annotation can come from a different annotator and files get passed
from one annotator to the next.

For one project I created a small plugin which just defined a view for
something similar.
Its actual not difficult to access the CAS and updates to it through the
Annotation Editor.

We're currently thinking of just post-processing the XMIs and adding the annotator name to all annotations (of the types of interest) that don't have a name set yet. We'll look into doing something more sophisticated for the next round of annotations.

Thanks a lot for your help,

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