DUCC has its own password protected AMQ broker used for daemon
communications.  Are your services trying to use DUCC's broker?


On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 1:02 PM, Osborne, John David (Campus) <
ozb...@uab.edu> wrote:

> I am having deploying services with DUCC using a single system, single
> user setup. I can run test jobs, so I *think* my system is set up correctly
> but I can't register and then start services due to "SecurityException on
> Connect".
> I don't understand how when registering services the credentionals are
> passed to DUCC, I know it uses activemq credentionals, but there is no
> parameter to pass them on the command line.
> I am registering the service like this:
> /web/servers/apache-uima-ducc-2.2.0/bin/ducc_services --register
> --process_descriptor_DD  ../resources/desc/deployment/
> ImportDocumentsDeploymentDescriptorSimple.xml --description "Pull
> Documents" --classpath $CLASSPATH --autostart true
> I have not messed with any of the configuration files
> (credentional.properties, etc...) under apache-activemq.
> My error (actually a warning) is below:
> Any help appreciated,
>  -John
> INFO: Controller: MedicsClobsConsumer Trying to Start Listener on
> Endpoint: queue://MRN_Document_Pull_Queue Selector: Command=2001 Broker:
> tcp://localhost:61617
> >>> Service Container Deployed Successfully
> DuccAbstractProcessContainer.deploy() <<<<<<<< User Container deployed
> .... Deployed Processing Container - Initialization Successful - Thread 1
> 18 Jul 2017 11:40:22,858  INFO AgentSession - T[1] notifyAgentWithStatus
> ... Job Process State Changed - PID:5803. Process State: Running. JMX
> Url:service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://uimaprapp1.hs.uab.edu:2105/jmxrmi
> Dispatched State Update Event to Agent with IP:
> Jul 18, 2017 11:40:23 AM org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.activemq.
> UimaDefaultMessageListenerContainer onException
> WARNING: Service: MedicsClobsConsumer Runtime Exception
> Jul 18, 2017 11:40:23 AM org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.activemq.
> UimaDefaultMessageListenerContainer onException
> WARNING: Jms Listener Failed. Endpoint: MRN_Document_Pull_Queue Managed
> By: tcp://localhost:61617 Reason: 
> org.apache.activemq.ConnectionFailedException:
> The JMS connection has failed: Force close due to SecurityException on
> connect
> Jul 18, 2017 11:40:23 AM org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.activemq.
> UimaDefaultMessageListenerContainer handleListenerSetupFailure
> WARNING: Uima AS Service:MedicsClobsConsumer Listener Unable To Connect To
> Broker: tcp://localhost:61617 Retrying Until Successful ...

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