On 5/23/07, sbuberl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


My server posts live highway traffic accidents and events to topics, but
most messages are only updates on existing event data. So I set up my server
to monitor when a client logs in/out and sends them all live events in one
message. I can't use durable subscriptions on topics because that would send
them lots of old data as well when my subscribers only want the live data.

I successfull intergrated activeMQ with JBoss and I have beans monitoring
when a client logs in/out and when they create a consumer on the event topic
with my database.  All updates get sent to the following virtual topic:
<virtualTopic name="ATIS" prefix="Consumers.*." />

The problem is: how can I retrieve the queue to send to with JBoss?

Given your requirements, you probably don't want to use a queue per
client as you only want live messages being sent. Virtual topics &
queues work like durable topic subscribers.

I'd recommend just using a Topic with non-persistent delivery of the messages


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