I'm going to see if I can reproduce on OS/X




On Oct 1, 2007, at 1:06 PM, WHIRLYCOTT wrote:

Thanks for your response, Saqib,

On Oct 1, 2007, at 6:24 AM, srasul wrote:

from what i can see, you are sending persistant messages to a topic, this means that if no one is listening on that topic, your messages will he stored (aka held in memory) until someone listens on that topic. this would explain why you run out of memory. Essentially you experiencing the "slow
consumer" issue: http://activemq.apache.org/slow-consumers.html

My reading of that document is that non-durable (i.e. non- persistent) topics can present an issue, but that's not my case:

"Non-durable topics are the scenario which is most affected by slow consumers since the messages are not persistent and messages generally go to all consumers."



"Slow Consumers can cause problems on non-durable topics since they can force the broker to keep old messages in RAM which once it fills up, forces the broker to slow down producers, causing the fast consumers to be slowed down."

Please note that the problem I'm experiencing is in the *client*, not in the broker.

another issue might be that you are creating connections to activeMQ for each message. this may be an issue on windows machines (atleast i know this issue on WinXP) where it runs out of ports to assign for your connection. so your might be better off using one connection to send 5000 messages atleast
on Windows machines.

I'm running on OS/X and Linux.


                                   Philip Jacob
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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