On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 07:51 -0700, ChicagoBob123 wrote:
> The problem I have 2 consumers of one queue and each consumer only seems to
> get 1/2 the messages. 
> Here is some my consumer code. 
> The concept is easy I browse the queue and remove any messages that belonged
> to my application
> based on an id contained in the message. Then I acknowledge which should
> dequeue it (but it did not)
> Later I tried the ConsumerReceiveThread() which just does a Receive which
> dequeues the items but only gets 1/2 the items sent.. 
> In my initialization  I started comsuming the queue with using
> AcknowledgementMode.IndividualAcknowledge session flag which I had hoped
> would allow me 
> to remove only the items I was interested in. 
> Why would I get only 1/2 the items? Also would I only get 1/3 the items if I
> had 3 consumers? (I guess I should just try that) 
> HELP ideas? thanks

You might want to have a look at:


Tim Bish

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