To send email or notification we are thinking in use a monitorization tool
like nagios or something more light...

About the manual restart, i think that you could take a look about
linux-heartbeat v2, you could configure services to monitorize and make

One more question, If we have a cluster, if the master goes down, all
messages goes to the slave, but, if we start the master again, all messages
will send to the master again?

2011/3/29 Nakarikanti, Nageswara <>

> And, adding  my question...
> When Master Broker goes down, is there any way that administrators get a
> notification(e-mail etc...) that it went down.
> Should Only a "manual" restart to bring it up again?
> Thank You,
> Nag.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Bish []
> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 10:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Failover, how does it work?
> On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 13:27 +0100, Oscar Pernas wrote:
> > Hi all (again),
> >
> >
> > Im trying to understand well, how the failover transport works. I know
> > that if you have an active-pasive architecture and your active broker
> > goes down, all messages are send to the pasive broker. But, for
> > example, if we have a machine that have configured an active-pasive
> > brokers configuration like
> > this:
> >
> > failover://(tcp://localhost:61616,localhost2:61616)?randomize=false
> >
> > If you remove the ethernet network cable, this machine couldnt connect
> > to any broker, but if I plug-in the cable again, to which broker the
> > connection will be stablished? if is developed like a pooling, could
> > really happen that this machine connect to the pasive broker instead to
> the first one?
> >
> > If this could happen, what is the usual way to change this machine to
> > the active? Im using activemq-cpp.
> The slave broker won't accept connections until it becomes the master so
> the client won't connect to a slave.  It will just keep moving through the
> list of URI's attempting to connect until a broker becomes available.
> Regards
> --
> Tim Bish
> ------------
> FuseSource
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Óscar Pernas Plaza.

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