
When Ever Slave kicks in...that becomes Master. The Old master becomes slave 
and will be waiting to get the lock to become master whenever 'the current' 
master goes down.

Thank You,

From: Oscar Pernas []
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:23 AM
Cc: Nakarikanti, Nageswara
Subject: Re: Failover, how does it work?

To send email or notification we are thinking in use a monitorization tool like 
nagios or something more light...

About the manual restart, i think that you could take a look about 
linux-heartbeat v2, you could configure services to monitorize and make 

One more question, If we have a cluster, if the master goes down, all messages 
goes to the slave, but, if we start the master again, all messages will send to 
the master again?

2011/3/29 Nakarikanti, Nageswara 
And, adding  my question...

When Master Broker goes down, is there any way that administrators get a 
notification(e-mail etc...) that it went down.

Should Only a "manual" restart to bring it up again?

Thank You,

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Bish [<>]
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Failover, how does it work?

On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 13:27 +0100, Oscar Pernas wrote:
> Hi all (again),
> Im trying to understand well, how the failover transport works. I know
> that if you have an active-pasive architecture and your active broker
> goes down, all messages are send to the pasive broker. But, for
> example, if we have a machine that have configured an active-pasive
> brokers configuration like
> this:
> failover://(tcp://localhost:61616,localhost2:61616)?randomize=false
> If you remove the ethernet network cable, this machine couldnt connect
> to any broker, but if I plug-in the cable again, to which broker the
> connection will be stablished? if is developed like a pooling, could
> really happen that this machine connect to the pasive broker instead to the 
> first one?
> If this could happen, what is the usual way to change this machine to
> the active? Im using activemq-cpp.

The slave broker won't accept connections until it becomes the master so the 
client won't connect to a slave.  It will just keep moving through the list of 
URI's attempting to connect until a broker becomes available.


Tim Bish
Twitter: tabish121

Óscar Pernas Plaza.

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