you would be on the right track.
you will need to lock the pending cursor for the duration of the
iteration so that will be a little expensive.

the pending cursor only gets filled when the prefetch buffer is
filled, so you would need a low prefetch and a slow consumer if you
expect to find messages in there.
What is the use case here?

On 18 July 2012 14:46, Alistair Young <> wrote:
> would I be on the right path if I implemented it in TopicSubscriptionView
> and making use of PendingMessageCursor from TopicSubscription to get at the
> pending messages and their content and properties? Or is iterating
> PendingMessageCursor expensive?
> Alistair
> mov eax,1
> mov ebx,0
> int 80h
>>>> Gary Tully <> 18/07/12 1:16 PM >>>
> that feature does not exist, it would require some extension to
> On 18 July 2012 11:21, Alistair Young <> wrote:
>> Is there a way to find a particular message in a topic, either via a
>> header
>> name/value or based on message content? e.g. if I have a message I know
>> may
>> be in the topic and it has a message body that would match a particular
>> regex, or has a header name with a particular value, is it possible to
>> find
>> it and therefore verify it's in the topic, i.e. it's in the backlog
>> waiting
>> to be consumed?
>> thanks,
>> Alistair
>> mov eax,1
>> mov ebx,0
>> int 80h
> --


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