>From what I've read a durable queue keeps all the messages from day 1 so any 
>new subscriber will get all messages ever sent to the queue, which I'd rather 
>not do, so I use durable topics and durable subscribers for each topic.

I'm actually not that sure where something like jconsole interacts with 
activemq, e.g. when you perform the browse messages operation, where could I 
hook JPDA to in the activemq class hierarchy to see how JMX gets hold of the 
messages still in the topic, e.g. while the consumer is offline. That would 
seem to be a possible option. I can see message content in jconsole so I 
suppose a JMX based client could do the querying using browse messages.


mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h
>>> Gary Tully  18/07/12 4:01 PM >>>
For a topic subscription, the prefetch buffer is not maintained in
memory by the broker, so you would need prefetch=0 which is a little
odd for a topic.
Would a queue not be better for this use case? Or a virtual topic,
where each consumer gets its own queue.

On 18 July 2012 15:17, Alistair Young  wrote:
> Perhaps getting at the prefetch buffer would prolly be better in that case.
> Would you have a pointer on how to access it?
> Use case is a consumer that populates Active Directory and uses auto
> acknowledge. If the AD bit slows down for any reason the topic should fill
> up with messages and I need to provide a way for the support team to see if
> an account is in the 'queue', i.e. it's been sent to the broker but not been
> consumed yet. The query will be based on a userid which is contained in the
> message body. Of course I might have missed an entirely easier way of doing
> it. It's in conjunction with Camel routing so I could prolly do something
> with a Processor or fancy logging but for the most part the consumer rarely
> slows down and logging thousands of usernames seems a bit over the top on
> the off chance one might be queried.
> Alistair
> mov eax,1
> mov ebx,0
> int 80h
>>>> Gary Tully  18/07/12 3:05 PM >>>
> you would be on the right track.
> you will need to lock the pending cursor for the duration of the
> iteration so that will be a little expensive.
> the pending cursor only gets filled when the prefetch buffer is
> filled, so you would need a low prefetch and a slow consumer if you
> expect to find messages in there.
> What is the use case here?
> On 18 July 2012 14:46, Alistair Young  wrote:
>> would I be on the right path if I implemented it in TopicSubscriptionView
>> and making use of PendingMessageCursor from TopicSubscription to get at
>> the
>> pending messages and their content and properties? Or is iterating
>> PendingMessageCursor expensive?
>> Alistair
>> mov eax,1
>> mov ebx,0
>> int 80h
>>>>> Gary Tully  18/07/12 1:16 PM >>>
>> that feature does not exist, it would require some extension to
>> org.apache.activemq.broker.jmx.TopicSubscriptionView
>> On 18 July 2012 11:21, Alistair Young  wrote:
>>> Is there a way to find a particular message in a topic, either via a
>>> header
>>> name/value or based on message content? e.g. if I have a message I know
>>> may
>>> be in the topic and it has a message body that would match a particular
>>> regex, or has a header name with a particular value, is it possible to
>>> find
>>> it and therefore verify it's in the topic, i.e. it's in the backlog
>>> waiting
>>> to be consumed?
>>> thanks,
>>> Alistair
>>> mov eax,1
>>> mov ebx,0
>>> int 80h
>> --
>> http://fusesource.com
>> http://blog.garytully.com
> --
> http://fusesource.com
> http://blog.garytully.com


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