I don’t believe we are.

So assume three Virtual Machines on Azure.

Each VM runs one Artemis broker


All of their ha policy section on all three brokers look like that:


On 27 Mar 2023, at 17:26, Justin Bertram 
<jbert...@apache.org<mailto:jbert...@apache.org>> wrote:

We are not running multiple brokers on the same JVM but a single instance
per VM, so each one has a dedicated JVM and VM

Based on your previous message I was under the impression you were using
the "colocated" feature. *If* you're using this then you definitely are
running multiple brokers in the same JVM because that's precisely what that
feature does. It runs a primary and a backup broker in the *same JVM*. If
you aren't using a "colocated" configuration then I'm not sure what the
original question is about. Can you clarify?


On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 11:07 AM Roy Cohen 
<roy_co...@hotmail.com<mailto:roy_co...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Justin

Thank you for your input.

Sorry, should have been clearer on our setup - We are not running multiple
brokers on the same JVM but a single instance per VM, so each one has a
dedicated JVM and VM


On 27 Mar 2023, at 16:59, Justin Bertram 
<jbert...@apache.org<mailto:jbert...@apache.org>> wrote:

I'm not entirely sure if the configuration you want is possible. You
try using the "group-name" element in the "master" or "slave" element of
"colocated." Only servers with the same group-name will pair together.

Aside from that I would actually recommend against using colocated
The original use-case for this functionality was very early cloud
infrastructure where durable, attached storage was not readily available.
However, since then most (if not all) cloud environments support durable
storage separate from the broker so that if the broker goes down a new,
identical broker can be spun-up relatively quickly and attached to the
storage. This provides functional high availability without the need for
any idle backups or replication of any kind which functionally nullifies
this feature.

Additionally, it turns out that (surprise!) configuring & running
brokers in the same JVM is difficult and error-prone not to mention the
complication of dynamically coordinating the acquisition of backups in a
running cluster and protecting against split-brain.


On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 7:37 AM Roy Cohen 
<roy_co...@hotmail.com<mailto:roy_co...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Hello everyone

We have a setup of three Artemis brokers (very old version don’t ask :))

We would like to configure the co located backups such that the backups
are sent in this order:

Broker01 -> Broker02
Broker02 -> Broker03
Broker03 -> Broker01

I was reading on co located backups here:

however not sure I fully understand how to configure the xml section to
achieve that.

Shall I add excludes in each broker, i.e.


Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance !

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