I haven’t tried he group-name yet.

With regards to the third broker: The architects believe it’ll improve 
performance given the amount of messages the brokers need to process (in other 
words “throw more resources at it…”)

> On 27 Mar 2023, at 18:28, Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:
>> What would you suggest is to do ?
> Did you try my previous suggestion already (i.e. using the "group-name"
> element in the "master" or "slave" element of "colocated")?
> Aside from that, do you know why you were asked to add another broker?
> Depending on the reason it may not be a good solution.
> Justin
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 12:07 PM Roy Cohen <roy_co...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Justin
>> It is a good question I honestly don’t have the answer for. I inherited
>> this configuration and was asked to add a third broker and to ensure the co
>> located backups are being done in such a way that each broker points on
>> another. Perhaps those who asked for it don’t fully understand Artemis ! :)
>> That said, those co located backup on the existing setup with two brokers
>> do work as we have been enabled to recover lost messages in the past. So
>> even not optimal, technically it does work ?
>> I can only imagine that those who initially designed it about 5 years ago
>> did not use a shared storage to avoid latency.
>> What would you suggest is to do ?
>> On 27 Mar 2023, at 18:00, Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Your screenshot didn't come through the list.
>> In any case, I'm pretty confused at this point. You're clearly using a
>> colocated configuration that will request a backup from another broker in
>> the cluster, but you say you're not running multiple brokers in the same
>> JVM. If you aren't running multiple brokers in the same JVM then what are
>> you using the colocated configuration for? The whole point of the colocated
>> configuration is to run multiple brokers in the same JVM (i.e. a primary
>> broker and also a backup broker for another primary in the cluster).
>> Justin
>> On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 11:42 AM Roy Cohen <roy_co...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don’t believe we are.
>>> So assume three Virtual Machines on Azure.
>>> Each VM runs one Artemis broker
>>> All of their ha policy section on all three brokers look like that:
>>> <ha-policy>
>>>       <replication>
>>>         <colocated>
>>>           <max-backups>1</max-backups>
>>>           <request-backup>true</request-backup>
>>> <backup-request-retry-interval>1000</backup-request-retry-interval>
>>>           <excludes>
>>>             <connector-ref>my-connector</connector-ref>
>>>             <connector-ref>thishostname.mydomain</connector-ref>
>>>           </excludes>
>>>           <master>
>>>             <check-for-live-server>true</check-for-live-server>
>>>           </master>
>>>           <slave>
>>>             <allow-failback>true</allow-failback>
>>>             <restart-backup>true</restart-backup>
>>>             <scale-down/>
>>>           </slave>
>>>         </colocated>
>>>       </replication>
>>>     </ha-policy>
>>> On 27 Mar 2023, at 17:26, Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> We are not running multiple brokers on the same JVM but a single instance
>>> per VM, so each one has a dedicated JVM and VM
>>> Based on your previous message I was under the impression you were using
>>> the "colocated" feature. *If* you're using this then you definitely are
>>> running multiple brokers in the same JVM because that's precisely what
>> that
>>> feature does. It runs a primary and a backup broker in the *same JVM*. If
>>> you aren't using a "colocated" configuration then I'm not sure what the
>>> original question is about. Can you clarify?
>>> Justin
>>> On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 11:07 AM Roy Cohen <roy_co...@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Justin
>>> Thank you for your input.
>>> Sorry, should have been clearer on our setup - We are not running
>> multiple
>>> brokers on the same JVM but a single instance per VM, so each one has a
>>> dedicated JVM and VM
>>> Thanks
>>> Roy
>>> On 27 Mar 2023, at 16:59, Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> I'm not entirely sure if the configuration you want is possible. You
>>> might
>>> try using the "group-name" element in the "master" or "slave" element of
>>> "colocated." Only servers with the same group-name will pair together.
>>> Aside from that I would actually recommend against using colocated
>>> brokers.
>>> The original use-case for this functionality was very early cloud
>>> infrastructure where durable, attached storage was not readily available.
>>> However, since then most (if not all) cloud environments support durable
>>> storage separate from the broker so that if the broker goes down a new,
>>> identical broker can be spun-up relatively quickly and attached to the
>>> same
>>> storage. This provides functional high availability without the need for
>>> any idle backups or replication of any kind which functionally nullifies
>>> this feature.
>>> Additionally, it turns out that (surprise!) configuring & running
>>> multiple
>>> brokers in the same JVM is difficult and error-prone not to mention the
>>> complication of dynamically coordinating the acquisition of backups in a
>>> running cluster and protecting against split-brain.
>>> Justin
>>> On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 7:37 AM Roy Cohen <roy_co...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone
>>> We have a setup of three Artemis brokers (very old version don’t ask :))
>>> We would like to configure the co located backups such that the backups
>>> are sent in this order:
>>> Broker01 -> Broker02
>>> Broker02 -> Broker03
>>> Broker03 -> Broker01
>>> I was reading on co located backups here:
>> https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/documentation/1.0.0/ha.html
>>> however not sure I fully understand how to configure the xml section to
>>> achieve that.
>>> Shall I add excludes in each broker, i.e.
>>>   <colocated>
>>>      <excludes>
>>>         <connector-ref>...</connector-ref>
>>>      </excludes>
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Many thanks in advance !

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